Montana Trout Spey Video Scumliner Media


Montana Trout Spey Video Scumliner Media

New, no. Cool, yes.

I have watched this a ton of times. And I’m gonna watch it many more today.

I love watching good casters. It never gets old. Mental training is important in the learning process.

Lots of folks do not know what kind of learner they are. See’r, do’er, feeler, understander. I’m a Understander 1st, and a see’r 2nd. So watching Mike make those fundamental casts gets me further down the road.

Then I can go out and try to replicate the simplicity of his stroke.

And, sometimes it works. Getting on the water with a rod in your hand for countless hours is how you move forward. Very difficult to assume Rock Star status with out standing knee deep in a run for countless, hours.

Enjoy the video. One of my favorites. Tuesday today. Thursday begins the Trout Spey Camp. Looking forward to a weekend of two handed fun![/vc_column_text][vc_video link=”″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

1 thought on “Montana Trout Spey Video Scumliner Media”

  1. I generally (1) feel I can (2) do it, (3) see that I can’t, then look for help to (4) understand my issues! Still an awful lot of fun though so I have that going for me.

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