Montana Fly Shop Strong


Montana Fly Shop Strong

Another cool video Fly Shop Strong Montana Edition today on the Headhunters Blog.

John takes part in this edition as Tim Rajeff wanders through Montana visiting ECHo dealers reminding us of why we love homegrown fly shops.

Enjoy this short today while you get rid of that Christmas hangover planning your next trip to the Motherland.

Montana Fly Shop Strong.

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3 thoughts on “Montana Fly Shop Strong”

  1. Great Video! Thanks for serving it up. Keep up the good work Headhunters. We all need to dig deep put forth effort to buy local in every aspect we are being challenged more all the time! Happy Holidays!!

  2. Great post. Every shop needs to make a profit or it will close. Every one of us who enjoy this sport need to buy something in every shop we walk into. Like everything in life it should be proportial to your income. It would help insure that these valuable sources of information and stewards of the land remain in business.

    • Thanks Lee. #flyshopstrong I buy flies, gear, cool stuff at other fly shops all the time. My wife says to me “Why do you buy stuff at other peoples fly shops?” Because, they have all kinds of cool stuff and flies that I don’t have!

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