Montana Boat Builders Jason Cajune Video


Montana Boat Builders Jason Cajune Video

These truly are the most beautiful boats you will see on the river.

Sara has one she bought second hand a few years ago, the skiff model. Super killer. A great sneak boat.

I had a wooden boat that I got from a mentor of mine, a Greg Tatman, and had Jason install a curved rear casting brace. I was so very proud of this boat. A good friend and Yellowstone River Legend came up to the Mo to work, Tony V, and I could not wait to show him my new, used, drifter. I pushed him outside with him and forced him into appreciating, loving, droooling over my new 15 year old boat. Tony politely smiled and said all the right things to me.

Then he said to me “I have a new boat too.”

We turned around to see Tony’s stunning Black Montana Boat Builders Guide Model, or Kingfisher. I can’t remember. I do remember it was gorgeous! I ti had never been in the water. Tony was up on the Missouri for a spell guiding. And he was to christen his Cajune Boat the following day.

While my Tatman was cool, it was nothing  trailerside to the Cajune boat.

So today you too can join the club. If you don’t want the sterile yet functional Adipose Flow, why not can step up your game and go big! Call Jason today and start the conversation.

Under the Big Sky is the site that this video is derived from. Check out the site to see more Montana businesses.

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