Monday Morning Missouri River Fishing Report

Monday Morning Missouri River Fishing Report

A cooling trend is upon us. And it should be with the advent of fall this past Saturday. We like it! Rain this morning and some strong hail yesterday afternoon has ushered the summer weather and temps right out the door.

Water temps continue to diminish as the anglers get out their BWO boxes. The trout are enjoying a nice mix of late summer, autumn, and fall insects here in central Montana.

Monday Morning Missouri River Fishing Report

The trout and the bugs are loving this decline in water temps. The weeds are on the slow decline and release. The streamer anglers are enjoying fishing without too much repercussion and fouling of the elodea weed. 

Callibaetis still coming off daily.

BWO’s, the tiny ones in the sizes of 22-28. Did see some larger BWO’s in the sz 18 range this past week during one of the thunderstorms. The fish were on them good!

Ants and beetles and hoppers are not as popular as they were for the August and early September session.

Yes on the fall caddis selection. October Caddis are out there. We only see a sparing amount of adults. I may only see 10 in the fall. But there are out there. You can certainly fool a few trout with the adult. You gotta throw it to know it.

The secondary, really the primary, caddis that comes into play is the sz 16 tan or cinnamon caddis. A good downwind pattern will bring the fish to the surface. You see those trout move on this fly readily if you one of those who can look downriver and at your fly at the same time. You see those fish move for this fly. A sunken spent or an emergent caddis pattern can also add some fish to the net. Or to your gross! Hah! Monday morning humor from your dumber down intelligence author today.

The photo above is John Ewing from Maine. Fished with John a ton over the years and love it. Great fun, good humor, great angling. HE is up for anything. We like that in an angler. And most importantly John is interested in learning. Improving his game. Some are, most are not. We like the former in this getting better equation. John has the full package. Thanks John for your dedication to the craft and your passion. And for fishing with Headhunters from the beginning.

Monday Morning Missouri River Fishing ReportFlows look like they may be dropping to our historical average of 4200 cfs. Not much change in your daily routine. None really. The weeds are dying off. The slow process of weed removal begins. A slow process.

The weather is below. Cooling. Fall. Snow this weekend. Or Friday. And beyond. Bring your  would weather gear. Hats, gloves, jackets, waders, raingear etc. We have a large selection of rental waders from SIMMS. We do not have any additional rain jackets. A common question from anglers fishing with Headhunters. Bring your rain jacket man. You may need it.

Monday Morning Missouri River Fishing ReportAll kinds of sale items at the shop. Rain jackets, yes!, gloves, hats, demo rods, discontinued fly lines, leaders, trinkets, and gee-gaws. We have ti all on sale.

And, all of the new fall gear from SIMMS, the new Sage Igniter, new Trout Spey Lines from RIO in both the Scandi and Skagit realms, and a ton more! Come in and find your fly fishing Valhalla. Then head out on the river.

We are still booking fly fishing guide trips daily. Lots more time in the season here on the Mighty Mo. We fish strong through Thanksgiving. Want to learn about the Trout Spey Game? We have guided Trout Spey trips! Want to nymph up a boat load? How about moving into the next echelon of dry fly casting and angling. We have those trips available too.

Give us a shout for your next Missouri River adventure. We are All About Trout!