Monday Morning August Missouri River Fishing Report

Monday Morning August Missouri River Fishing Report

If you are a dry fly angler you should be here. That is the call that many ask for. The call when it is good. That time is now.

Dry Fly Valhalla. Trico fishing is superb. It is a good as you are. If you are great, the fishing is great. If you can reach mend, that is the new term for reach cast, coupled with accurate casts…you get a shot at all of the rising fish.

A great time to be here if you are into learning. The fish reward you with proper behavior.

My latest analogies are as follows…

Pounding, slapping, tom-a-hawking a cast on the fish is analogous to a Cadillac dropping into the water near the boat, or yourself whilst wade fishing. That would scare the living poo out of you man. So, believing that the fish are not aware of large vehicles falling form the sky without warning…you are totally insane bro.’ You really have no grasp of your error.

Finding a trophy buck at 75 yards, getting him in the sights, then popping 6 or 7 rounds off near him, behind him over him…then after all of that nonsense at the front end before the kill shot attempt is ludicrous. If you believe that the deer will remain standing there waiting for you to get your act together…you have no idea how to catch technical rising trout on any trophy trout water.

But, the good news is, that we have the shots for you. A positive experience can be had here on the Missouri River. You can learn here. The comments above are for you the Missouri River angler.

Reality man. It is OK. I think I mentioned on the FB. No trophies for second place here. Get the net wet. That is the goal.

The Missouri River is a resource for learning. That is our goal here at Headhunters Fly Shop. Learning. We have teaching guides. We have teaching shop staff. We will include you in the education mix here in downtown Craig.

Headhunters is your information and education source.

Trico’s rule the day for dry fly anglers. Spinner fall daily at 845 am. Get out there and fish it. I love a smaller caddis pattern on these sometimes finicky fish. Double Wing and single wing Trico Spinners. Buzzballs. Pearl Butt Trico Spinner. Harrop’s Trico Spinner. Quig’s Cluster Midge. Stalcup’s Cluster. Griffith’s Gnats. Those will get you out of the gate in the early hours of the day.

Still some PMD’s out there. A good long PMD presence here this year. Have been seeing them daily for 9 weeks. That is good. A good long hatch.

Not terrific Caddis this year again. Not terrible. But not world class volumes like we have seen in years past. The night game has gone south too. But, a nice time to be out.

Lunch time you may want to toss the bigger fly. Hoppers ad Ants. I have been using tan. But I love the colors. Get out the ink pens and ink it up.

Nymphers have been getting it done at the dam Holter is full of fish and full of boats. Lots of fish. Small black flies. They get it done.

Rainbow Czech’s, worms, Frenchie’s, Crayfish, larger PT’s, Hare’s Ear Jigs, Hot Spot Jigs, Rubber Legs, UV Czech’s, Bloom’s Weight Flies Purple and Gold.

All of the standard bottom flies apply. Two Bits, S & M’s, Split Case, Psycho Mays, Zebra’s, Peep Shows, Micro-Mays…and the like.

Swingers are getting some action nearer the dam. Fewer weeds towards the top end of the river. Higher water temps as you head lower. Will be real hot out this week as we move towards the weekend. Temperatures over 100F. Fish early.

The shop is open @ 6am. Well before the rest. Come by for your first cup of perked coffee of the day and say hello. We are here daily with bells on.

2 thoughts on “Monday Morning August Missouri River Fishing Report”

  1. Dryfly fishing tips- great.
    Using the words “analogous” and “poo” in the same paragraph- one rung above “awesome “ ! Funny shit, man. Thanks

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