Monday HH Fishing Report

Monday HH Fishing Report

Flows are good, and historically average at 4200cfs.

Water temps 51F. Should be stable for the week ahead.

BWO’s, Pseudo’s, tan caddis. Those are your daily bugs. Most days, or even some days.

Weather ahead? 50’s and 60’s with nighttime lows in the 40’s then 30’s.

Flies? BWO Cripples. BWO Emergers. Skittering caddis. Adams large and small.

Streamers? Anglers choice.

Swingers? Soft Hackles including the larger non-streamer like swing style flies like the Sparrow.

Nymphs? Sows, scuds, smaller, tiny BWO style beaded flies. Deep in the morning, shallow in the afternoon.

The entire river fishing about the same. The canyon is not a terrible idea.

Pressure? Light. The rest of the month looks light. Come out if you like sparse crowds. Look up the lodging connection at

Headhunters is rolling along. The staff is fishing lots. A damn fine time of year. Excited about the next two months. Real fired up. Looking for some better fishing results. Slower the past week. IT’ll turn. The fishing is always good. And sometimes a good trout bite. And sometimes they coincide with one another. And that is magic.

Off to the Tackle Dealer Show this week. Gonna come home with some sweet new fly fishing gear for all of you folks out there in HeadhuntersLand.

Izaak’s closing this Saturday nite. Yes the final night of the 2019 season. So sad. But a cool party going on after 8pm with live music for locals and guides etc. A thank you sort of deal sponsored by John of Izaak’s, Keeper of the Green dot org, and your hometown favorite fly shop Headhunters.

See you soon. Enjoy your week ahead.