Missouri River Water Update

Missouri River Water Update/Forecast

Here is the latest from the water management team.

Looks like 7K, or 8K, or higher. But not 12K. Maybe.

Look at the projection below. We are 99% of our 30 year average. We have 108% of Snow water Equivalent (SWE).

Missouri River Water Update

The graph below shows that we may pop beyond the 97% Canyon Ferry Lake Fill. When those colored lines go above the black line, it means some additional water in our system.

Then they would blow water through. Inflows mirror outflows on Hauser and Holter Dams. So if the lake is full, at 97% because the Core controls the food pool, then we will see inflows at Toston Dam mirror outflows which cold mean the big water. Not huge like 20K, but bigger than 8K.

So what do we think will happen? I think it will come off slow and remain in the 8K world. That is what I think. Snow off the hills slower and therefore we will have some flows at or above 5K in July. That is what I think.

Science? No way man.

The art of guessing with some history behind it.

Art, not science.