Missouri River Turkey Week Fishing Report

Missouri River Turkey Week Fishing Report is real, real good.

Whether it be roasted, BBQ’d, deep-fried, or smoked you won’t be the turkey this week fishing the Missouri River.

Warm and unseasonal weather this last weekend and for the foreseeable future has kept the trout in top shape.

Missouri River Turkey Week Fishing Report

Folks are still fishing the shallows, the medium depths and dredging…all of it. The only water that folks are not hooking trout is the fastest water they can find.

The speed seems to have slipped into medium fast to medium slow. Not either one of the extremes as of yet. We’ll keep you posted.

The usual full winter methods and modes is on the doorstep, but has not afflicted us yet.

Flies that are the late fall and early winter norms are the ubiquitous firebead, ray charles, sows, grey and tan scuds, and black midges. some pheasant tail stuff too…not fully frozen yet.

If you could say one word, it’d be Streamer. It is the WORD. All flavors and styles are on, or off the hook. Swinging and stripping too. WORD.

Dries? A few. Sunday was dead calm, 40F+ and perfect. Wishya coulda beenhere. Look for the day and come on out this coming week. Your boss does not expect much out of you on a holiday week…does she?

Flows are 2930cfs and water temps are 41F. We’ll get through the holiday weekend with damn fine temps. Active trout that keep getting fatter. Daily. Remember: Rainbow Trout gain weight all winter long.

Mid 40’s for the temps this week with light and variable winds. Oh, the no wind thing is key!


Get on out here for the good fishing and the good shopping. We’re open everyday including Thanksgiving. We’ll be around til 1ishpm on the Fall Feast Thursday. Open daily @ 8am til 5pm. Lots on sale this week through the following Monday Cyber Monday. We shop at Amazon too, but think of the small guys like us this gifting season. Call, shop online,  or stop by for Holiday Deals all holiday season