Missouri River Summer Water Update 2016

We won’t go dry.

That is the good news.

Not really any bad news. I’m not holding my breath for a big water year…but strange things can happen in the spring. Then run into summer. A few of those high water years, a few years back, did not start out all that wet.

Check out the chart below and see the 2016 numbers. Pretty average. We’ll take average any day here on the marvelous Missouri River.

Missouri River Summer Water Report 2016

Good weather the rest of the week. Tuesday showed well with a blanket BWO hatch in the afternoon. Pretty much river wide. Good shit for sure.

We expect more of the same ahead. Fish are seeing the mayflies now and becoming more interested daily. They take a few days to get all revved up. The fish that is.

Check out the chart below. We like the Most Probable Red Line below in June. 6K would be good. 10K even better. Spring rains can change the game quickly.

Missouri River Summer Water Update 2016

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