Missouri River Summer Fishing Report 6.23.14

Good fishing to be had in the month of June. Great? Some days yes indeed. Others, just good.

Lots and lots of folks around this weekend as the Montana contingent was out in force. The Dearborn River received a ton of pressure as it is flat able late into the month. Get on it if you want to enjoy our smaller creeks this summer. A mini Smith River is what many call it. The flows on the Dearborn are falling at 315 cfs and should be fishable/floatable for another week? Maybe?

The Missouri River is holding at 4070cfs and a water temp of 57F. Downwards go there flows and the temps.

Missouri River Summer Fishing Report

The nymph anglers are getting it down too with both shorter and longer nymph rigs. The Worm is still in play but is becoming second fiddle to top flies like the Frenchie, the Peep Show, Blooms Weight Fly in both purple and gold, Tungsten Death Metal and a Tunghead PT. Look for something hanging below that like a PMD nymph or a caddis or a Sally depending on your reach you choose to fish. Stop in the shop at any time for a up to the minute nymph report. We can help in many ways…

The fishing is really great for those wishing to dry fly fish all day long. Yes, you too can do it. Look for the right water and post up. If you like to fish a blind dry, you can do that too.

Headhunters Unite!

  • Make the first drift count. The #1 Rule in dry fly fishing.
  • Dead flies, i.e. spinners, do not drag, or swim. “I’m giving it action” is not a comment we, or the trout accept. The trout make the final decision.
  • Set your anchor outside, or in the water, before you approach the trout and then let it down quietly by hand. You will catch more if you sneak in to place. Sneak attacks do not utilize loud dropping sounds of the anchor. Sounds like a Amana Refrigerator dropped from the sky? Not too good man.
  • Sit while fishing if you are close. Even if you are not close, get low and stay low. Fish have conical vision. IF you are standing like a beanstalk waving your arm wildly around, they may sense that a predator is near. BE a predator, not some crazy person swinging the line in haphazard paths…
  • If you must stand, stay a lone distance off of the fish. You will hook more!
  • Use cripples, spents, and emergers. They work well here not he Mo. HH has the most river specific and greatest selection in the tri county area. No bullshit.
  • Have fun. Be serious about catching trout. But with a smile. Be friendly to other anglers. Wave. And, be polite. And, treat other anglers like you would like to be treated. Don’t low hole. Be courteous. Have fun!

Headhunters open daily early and open really late too. Free coffee, information, shuttles, flies galore, demo rods, the best knowledgable staff in regards to fly lines, fly line cleaners, HH sungear, sunscreen, ice…we got all you need for your Missouri River adventure!