Lots happening on the Missouri River this spring and into the summer months. Just wanted to outline the events, hatches, and happenings in the foreseeable future.
Missouri River February 2015
Almost over. The midges are out and some an be caught on top. March will bring even more topwater activity. February has seen an increase in water temps and the streamer fishing and swinging of flies has been productive.
Missouri River March 2015
March 4th. Fly Tying @ Headhunters Fly Shop 6pm-8pm A free for all with tying and fellowship. Te final fly tying night of the year.
March 7th. Headhunters last Free 2 Handed Casting and Fishing Clinic. Full. Demo 2 Handed Rods and Switch Rods avail daily. Your 2 Handed and Switch Trout Rod HQ in Montana.
March 14th. IF4 Event sponsored by Missouri River Flyfishers Hilton Garden Inn 730pm Tickets avail at Headhunters Fly Shop and at the door. HH will be there and representing! Look for our booth at the show and stop in for some killer swag!
IF4™ 2015 – Tickets On Sale Now! from IF4™ on Vimeo.
March 15th. Our famous Spring Special begins today and runs through the end of April. $300 Guide Trips, discounted lodging by at least 33%. The Craig Trout Camp and a few surrounding properties are on board for this fantastic inexpensive spring fishing retreat. Call today to book with our crack staff 406-235-3447. www.craiglodging.com
Midges are in full effect and we begin dreaming about the BWO’s. They will not arrive in March, but fantasy is a big part of fly fishing! Better dry fly stuff in March with good to great midging. Nymphing and streamer fishing rock star. Swinging? Pretty damn good too.
Missouri River April 2015
Headhunters Spring Special continues all month long. Discounted fishing and lodging. Midges strong, BWO’s make an appearance, steamer fishing getting stronger, nymphing is great. Busy towards the end of the month and not so much in the beginning. The fishing is good in the front end of April and we have availability of both guides and nightly housing.
April 1st. Izaak’s open for business. Hooray! Great food available in Craig for the spring summer and fall.
April 10, 11, 12. McCune/Gould 2 Handed Casting Clinics. Sold Out. These world class casting instructors and guides are here to help with Sustained Anchor casting. Very popular. The clinics filled very rapidly and we added a 3rd date. Also filled. You could call and get on a waiting list maybe if you are so inclined.
Missouri River May 2015

May 16th. 9th Annual Craig Caddis Festival and BBQ Cook-Off. 4pm til 10pm. Live music, raffles, silent and live auctions, 10+ BBQ competitors, swag, kids events, all Craig businesses open, and the sort of kick off to summer on the Missouri River. Fundraising event for the Craig VFD. Fun for the whole family.
May is a month that over half of the Headhunters Staff just loves. Quieter than the coming months and it fishes extremely well. BWO’s, Midges, March Browns, some early caddis on the lower river. Fun stuff for dry fly guys, nymphing is ridiculous, and streamer fishing is as good as it gets. Many believe the fall is the best streamer fishing, but we would argue that May is tops!
Missouri River June 2015
Long use days with great dry fly fishing. PMD’s make their appearance in the 3rd week of June. Caddis are out and becoming stronger by the day. Our highest water is during this month. What will this year bring? Only Mother Mo knows.
Drift Boat Drive-In. A Montana Film event not yet scheduled. Keep it tuned in here for updates as they come.
June and July are the two busiest months on the Missouri River. If you have not booked yet, you may have missed it. Call for your June and July reservations today. Many of the guides and lodging spots book 51 weeks in advance.
Missouri River July 2015
Trico’s, PMD’s, Caddis, terrestrials. Need we say more. Very busy month on the Mo.
Headhunters 4th of July Party. Craig comes un-corked celebrating America!
That is the latest and greatest update on your Missouri River events, happenings, and hatches for the next several months. We are experiencing a great fishing early spring. More winter is on the way, but we are enjoying the warmer temps for the time being.
Call today if you need to book any lodging or guide trips. Headhunters open 7 days a week all year long for any of your trout fishing needs. Let us know how we can help.