Missouri River September Fishing Forecast is rosy. The first month of fall here on the Missouri is one of our customer favorites.
Not only our customer favorites but one of our personal favorites too. The fish get hungry as they begin bulking up for the winter months ahead. They eat in October too for your folks considering a later fall trip. November, December…
Missouri River September Fishing Forecast
A great Nymphing month.
The fall caddis is around for those of you who did not get enough of it in the summer months. Scumliner believes that is why they get rolling subsurface too. I gotta agree. The subsurface bite is one of the best of the year. While April, May, and June are spectacular nymphing months, September is one of the top.
Small and techy subsurface nymphs like the Little Green Machine, the Red Headed Step Child, Hogans Military May, Indigo Child, Rainbow Warriors, Mason’s Peep Show, small narrow bodied Pheasant Tails, Zebra’s, and firebeads return as well. Sows galore are on many minds too. The fish minds…
Psuedocloens are present too. The small PT derivations get the job done. With the small fly many are on the caddis pupa. Whether it be Bloom’s Weight FLies, Tungsten Tan Czechs, Tung Darts, and October Caddis Pupa or one of your favorites, the lead flies of choice are the caddis. Get ’em going man.
One of our better nymphing months. The weeds are clearing out as the cold nights and shorter days arrive. See why it is one of more popular months here on Montana’s Missouri River.

What are the hatches like?
October Caddis begin their journey towards the surface too. We know they are called the October, October Caddis. But, they are present in a big way in the watery dungeons of the Missouri River. Try one on for size in September. You may be rewarded. Not a bad idea to toss the dry either. Fun stuff can happen when blind fishing a big orange dry fly. Dry dropper rigs? Hmmm.
Random hatches of both caddis and anomaly mayflies occur as well during the magical month of September. Be there, and be prepared. An Adams in many sizes can work along with a nice selection of light tan or ginger caddis flies.
Trico’s can be a player as well. Several giant hatches an surprise you in the Missouri River month of September. Do not put away the summer boxes yet. Fall is a nice time to be on the Missouri and September is nice.
Is it our best dry fly month? No, not at all. Is it a good time to find a few sippers here and there? Oh yeah. Have that dry rod rigged & ready. Blind dry fly fishing can produce. Hopper are still in the mix and fishing the center of the river over skinny flats can produce. The fish will lay up on said flats looking for an opportunity. Low angle of sun, more overcast days…mean big browns.
BWO’s can make an appearance at the end of the month on the lower river. If we get into the 50’s, water temps, we will see them. ANd the fish will eat them. And, we will be overjoyed. In the drought years of the mid 2000’s we saw this hatch, the baetis, early in the cycle meaning late September. Keep it tuned in here for your up to the minute hatch information.
How about Streamer fishing?
Yes, many come for the streamer fishing. The weeds are moving downstream and the water levels are low. Fishing the thinner water regions with a dry line and a weighted, or unweighted bugger can keep you entertained all day long. Does it always work? No. But those who are familiar with the streamer love, and total disregard for any other style, will find Septemebr a fine month for the chucking of lead.
Montana September Weather.
Really nice. Daytime highs in the 70’s and occasional lower 80’s with cooler nights in the high 4o’s. Some overcast days in the 60’s is what you may look for.
But, all in all September is a nice month for angling. The splash and giggle drifters from the big cities around us are gone and we enjoy the solace of anglers quietly roaming the banks and center river trout lies.
September Water Flows & Temps
Low and slow. The good news about lower water is the ability to cool faster. It can warm faster int he summer months and we conversly get the better end of the deal as Spetemebr and October roll in. August cooler month than July, so we are well on our way.
September Lodging & Guide Trips
Good availability for both as we are still a few weeks out. It does fill, the guides and lodging, as we approach the peak of September. Just drop Julie, Sara, or Ninch a line @ 406/235-3447 to secure your fall trip. Check out the lodging page here www.Craiglodging.com October is booking too as it is one of everybody’s favorite.If you like to hunt, tie it in with a shooting trip. If you don’t, then fishing it is!
- Remember to keep in touch with all things Headhunters and the Missouri River on our Facebook Page or Twitter or our Vimeo Headhunters Channel
Enjoyed your comments, hatches etc.