The fishing report is as follows today on the Headhunters Fly Fishing Blog and Fishing Report Page.
Missouri River Montana Fishing Report
The old adage again comes into play as we state to many that the fishing good as you are.
Truth here at Headhunters.
If you don’t like crowds stay out of the upper river.
Honesty too here on this daily blog.
Lots of pressure up top and it bleeds into the canyon as well. Many say hat this last weekend was as busy as they had ever seen it. Well, probably true. As I stated in the past, this is the tipping point and we will see fewer folks everyday from here on out.
The wild card is the other resources. Will we see anglers from around the state visit our river as restrictions elsewhere are tightened? Maybe. Time will tell.
Trico’s are the morning game. Good stories of success with emergers and duns. Spinners continue to work well here as they always do. Try a Trico Cripple for sneaky shit. Not many roll that way. Cluster Midges as a Trico Cluster can work as well. Double wings, Harrop’s Hi-VIz, Harrops CDC Spinner, and may more. Not having success witht eh Trico pattern fishng over Trico feeding fish? Try a Caddis. Do it.
Scant amounts of PMD’s around and the spinner fall is the key for angling success and fly choice. Or a captive dun. Or a floating nymph.
Caddis in the evening are your best bet. The PED deal is going on occasionally too. Spents, emergers like the Translucent Emerger or Pupa and a soft hackle too. LaFontaine loved the evening hatch here on the Mo.
Hoppers are happening. Some greenish small fella’s on the shore. A Red Legger works. Headhunters is your hopper destination. We have the best selection in the canyon. By far. Ninch is formerly from the westside and cannot stand not having the appropriate amount of foam in the shop.
Ants? Beetles.? Yes to them as well. Spruce moths out there too. See the most in the early mornings. Fishing it blind can provide some action.
It is a morning game in the recent past. The dry fly fishing has been going into the tank about noon. Some days til 2 or 3, others if the bugs go North with the South wind can end before noon. Hope and look for perfect summer breeze-less days for spinner and junk feeding longevity. But, do not forget about the golden hour too!
5 Tips for Late July Success

- First cast is the best cast. For the DFO Army. Always the best cast. Only if you want to fool them.
- Nymphers find weedless water for sanity.
- Fish live in the weeds. So do the bugs. Maybe you should too?
- Prepare some conversation pieces for slow fishing. If the fishing is good, save them on 3″x5″ note cards for easy access at a later date. Or a long, long, long lunch.
- Fish in the am, then sleep. Then fish in the pm, then sleep. Perfect. A cocktail squeezed in at Izaaks and a plate of Walleye and Chips! I like the Wings too. Delicious.
- Clean your fly line a lot. But you already know this tip!
Shop open at 6am daily for any of your river needs. We have the new NRS Freestone Drifter in stock and for sale with the new updated drains. Just awesome. Come by and see it or take it out on the river for a spin. Rentals daily including our Adipose Fleet too.
sounds like it is getting crowded.
Waning though now Joe. You know those Craig Campground Flat fish are hard to catch after 5pm…