I felt that was kind of a soft effort yesterday.
Liked the concept. Dis-liked the article.
My apologies to those of you who read it. Can’t get back that 7 minutes can you.
Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 9.17.15
Big September happening here on the Mo. A good bite this month.
Another quote from Headhunters Ben Hardy today: “When the weather acts like summer, it fishes like late August. When the weather acts like fall, it fishes like October. September is a funny month like that.
Which month do you want it to be? I vote for overcast and inclement.
Hump Day rained hard all morning and waned to overcast skies til 5 pm when the sun arrived. Good to great fishing with a dynamite Pseudo hatch in the afternoon.
Word on the street is the streamer bite was damn good too.
Fish rising to a good Trico hatch albeit in the pouring rain. The Trico’s are very small and hard to see. Tons of good fish bulging on the bugs including sunken Trico Spinners. Try soft hackles for some success as well. Try an Adams for some big fly fooling.

Some caddis around on the summer like days with some Callibaetis on any given day. Look for a few spinners on the water and toss that at ’em.
How about an October Caddis dry for blind fishing fun. Hoppers around on the sunny days.
Looks like fall like weather will grace us for the rest of the week ahead with more of the sun poking about towards the weekend. I really prefer the overcast skies and some drizzle falling on my head.
Worms, sows, scuds, tiny mayflies in the 18 and 20 sizing including all of our favorites like the S&M, LGM, baby PT, Two Bits, Micro Mays, Indigo Child, Red Headed Step Child, Ju-Ju Baetis, Magic Fly, Cheesemen Emerger, Military Mays, Little Green MO, Zebra’s and more.
Come on by daily at 7am. Free coffee on the porch.
Howard Schwander above with the famous Silver Fish. Wonder what they keep in that flask…
What is a good leader / tippet setup for the tricos with a fast to med fast rod??
9′ to 5x + 24″ 6x ???
I like the 12′ 4X RIO Leader with 48″ of 5X.