Many river with Hoot-Owl closures around the state. Not the Mo.
Phone calls daily about what the fishing, flows, and water temps will be like tomorrow, August, and even October.
The short answer is we will be OK.
History would tell us that the river will be open in August. We survived drought years on ’01, ’02, ’03, ’04, ’05, ’06, ’07. And that with low flows. Only one time did the river exceed the 3500cfs mark in that time frame.

Today the river flows are 3950cfs. The USBR tells us they will hold at this level for the summer. 4100cfs is the projected flow. The Canyon Ferry Reservoir is 97.3% full. The water temps are lower than the last week from our cold spell yesterday where air temp did not rise above 55F. A 40 degree temperature change from the 4th. Check out the water temps…

So, based on history, we will be OK. Mother Nature holds the cards and we cannot see into the future. So, take that as you will and either come out, or stay home. I hear the Caverns of Mystery are killer this time of year.
The fishing report for the Mighty Mo is as follows…
Trico’s are on the rise. Sunday morning in the light rain the bugs went bananas. A great hatch and the first mega hatch for the Trico’s of the summer. They are right on schedule as they generaly come the the 5th of July. That in my book, is the historic first hatch of the year. The 5th is the arrival date.
Lots of patterns will get it done. Watch for the duns to get eaten early in the hatch. They generally stop eating the tasty dun as the month passes by. But early on they do lie the dun. The emerger can be good too. A CDC pattern will suffice. We also like the Quigley’s Cluster Dun with a ply wing. Good stuff.
PMD’s have not been as spectacular as they were last year. We did not have a good caddis last year and the good PMD’s saved our ass.
The PMD spinner fall has still been good. The hatches not as good as stated above. But we should have the PMD around for another month or so. The best flies have been traditional poly winged spinners, Harrop’s anything spinners hi-viz and CDC, Captive duns, transitional duns, and even the dun too!
Caddis flies all throughout the resource. Good to great mornings and afternoons for the caddis fly. Has it been easy? Nope. the first part of the dry fly season is easier thatn the latter half. The fish do get smarter. And the fish above Craig are smarter too. Try below Craig for fish that are not PhD level…yet.
Skittering caddis flies are all the rave in the afternoons. Stocking Wings, Angelo’s Burn Winged, X2 Caddis, Red Stag Caddis, Double Duck, Missouri River Specials are all god times fro you on the river.
Sally’s are not around often enough to make a difference. But having a few in your box is not a bad idea!
Ants and hoppers are on the cusp. Just sayin’.
Give us a shout if you need up to the minute fishing reports and such. We are open all day long for any river needs like sun protection, shuttles, flies, coffee, free honest info and of course our porch is always open for the only fly shop in downtown Craig with free cell coverage, we have a booster, and the wi-fi too.
Check out our logo wear too. You gotta take something home for the kids and we have kids clothing and has!
“A 40 degree temperature change from the 4th.”
Not so sure about your police work there Norm.
What is the Norm, Ken?