Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 4.24.14

The Spring Special rolls on as we enter the final week of $300 Guide Trips.

Grant, Paul, and Blair were out fishing today down from the northern region and graced us with this beautiful Rainbow image. More on the Facebook Page tomorrow.

The weather is cooperating somewhat with the wind hampering some of the dry fly action. The bugs were here yesterday but the fish didi not respond as we would have liked. Today? A new day indeed.

The rain did not come in the volumes that the weather guesser said it would and that is OK. We have enough water on the ground, in the ground, in the reservoirs, in the river this year.

The warm weather did not come either. Some did. But the tributaries felt a little pressure as the mid level snow budged a touch and is matriculating into our larger system.

The Dearborn is rising slightly at 461cfs and the Little Prickley Pear is off color at 271cfs and on an upward path. Both should be stable and falling before the end of the weekend. Or not?

Rain forecast for the weekend and today, tomorrow. How much precipitation will actually fall? Oh less than an inch. The high level snows are still frozen and will not move until we get daytime highs over 80F and nighttime lows over 40F. That has yet to happen. But we are still in April which is winter in Montana.

Missouri RIver Montana Fishing Report

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 4.24.14

The dry fly fishing that we normally witness is not upon us in the capacity that it normally is. But the weather, water temps, and water level have something to do with that. We are experiencing higher water levels than we normally have for April. Having said that you can find a few. Look hard in your old dry fly haunts and you may be rewarded.

Adams, Midge Clusters, tiny little midge patterns, with CDC emergent droppers can bring the trout to hand.

As for the streamer bite? Better every day. The water is warming and the trout like to move for the big bug more often when their metabolism is increasing. Plus, a long winter for them too. Hungry bastards like meaty treats. Stop into Headhunters for over 150 streamer patterns to choose from. The best selection in the Tri-County Region!

Headhunters has a full and wide selection of weighted tips for you to choose from as well. And streamer lines? Tons. A vast selection from RIO, Airflo, Orvis, Cortland. All the best for your the Missouri River angler.

Nymphers are having the best luck. Still deep with bobber to split in the 6′-8′ range. Pink is not out of favor but the normal flies are making their mark. A ton of midge patterns with mayfly patterns are leaving the bins after their long winters rest. Peep Shows, Frenchie’s, Angel Hair PT’s, Hot Spot Pt’s, Hot Spot Scuds, Arnold’s Sili Scud, Choi’s Spicy Scud, BK’s Pink Blob, Purple LB’s, Micro May’s, and many more!


Headhunters Fly Shop open 730am to 730pm. 12 hours of goodness for you the Missouri River Trout Angler. Izaak’s is open too daily @ 3pm with dinner @ 4pm. Yum. Uncle Joe’s Bar daily @ 8am. The Taco Cart not yet. The Frenchman in WC and the O too. See you in Craig this weekend for trout fishing fun. You know you want to come…