Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 10.24.16

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 10.24.16

About another month of single handed dry fly fishing. We have seen some real BWO’s around and it should pop this week.

Will it? Oh, on the baetis gods really know. But we can guess. And we guess yes.


Looks like we are falling at about a degree per week. That will accelerate as November arrives. BWO’s will follow.

The nymphing is off the charts good. It will remain that way until Turkey Day. The dry fly fishing as well. The streamer fishing could improve. We would all like that. Although I heard some rumors of great fishing in a couple reaches the last day or two. Not on the upper river though.

Yes nymphing is as good as it gets. Honest. Damn good. Great. Awesome. Kick-ass. Fantastic.

Flies that may be of interest to you include sows and scuds and worms and BWO mayfly nymphs. Stop in and have the Headhunters Fly Guru Ninch set you up with all of the best.

The dry fly fishing is good, some days and others not so good. A good rise the outer day. A good one today. A not so good one yesterday. How about tomorrow? Let’s hope it is good. Good dry fly weather on tap for the week. Keep your fingers crossed as we hope for that string of overcast days.

The steamer bite is good some days and not so good on others. The better reports are coming form not up top but lower in the river. Good yesterday, good today, not so good the days before. So it must be getting better?

We are heading into a time of year where we we be talking, fishing, and enjoying the two-handed trout spey rod daily. Lot sod folks out there tossing it already. Ready to swing a bugger? A double rigger streamer set? A soft hackle on your baby trout spey rod?

Come in and see our vast selection of trout spey demo rods> We got lots! And the lines to match all of your spey rod needs. From 2wt to 8 wts we have it all. Tips, heads, Scandi, Skagit, VersiLeaders, and the knowledge to help you get better! Your Montana Trout Spey source is located in Craig MT!

Not much traffic not he river today. It is thinning out and if you like solace in conjunction with great fall fishing here in central Montana your time is now!