Missouri River Montana Campgrounds Closed

Missouri River Montana Campgrounds Closed

This just in. Campgrounds closed on the Mo.

The Holter Dam BLM campsite is closed as of today. Don’t know about the boat ramp. But indications are that it is open. There we folks out there today.

Montana Fishing Access Sites FAS are open for day use only. No camping or overnight stays at Montana FAS sites.

Yessir. That is there latest from your Missouri River information source Headhunters of Craig.

Above is the sign at the Craig FAS. Day Use Only.

Have fun out there. Be well. Be safe. Enjoy your weekend.

6 thoughts on “Missouri River Montana Campgrounds Closed”

  1. On March 13th Trump in reaction to the Coronavirus declared a …..”national emergency.”

    That law says that the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT shall take charge of the response.

    Trump …DID NOT TAKE CHARGE….and he is now blaming the governors of the states.

    Trump’s deadly multiple hesitations may have …”closed the door”…on what was once the

    viable strategy of containment.

    Does it strike you as more then a little odd that America has way more then double of

    Coronavirus cases of any other country in the entire world?

    Whatever you think will happen you should consider multiplying that by 2 or 5 or 10.

    He and you and I…….. have no idea what is coming.


    My spiritual being is mingled with so much sadness for what I believe is inevitable.

    No one wants me to be more wrong then me.

    • The current stay at home order runs through the 24th, and as the federal recommendation runs through the 30th, most of us are not expecting it before then.

  2. On a positive note, our finned friends in the river are going to catch a break statewide with the drop in angler pressure. That can’t hurt any of our fisheries.

    When we get back to the new normal, hopefully we’ll see the improvement.

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