Missouri River Monday Fly Fishing Report

Missouri River Monday Fly Fishing Report

IT may be turning the corner. Fishing yesterday was encouraging to say the least. Boats are all over the river from top to bottom as we have moved out of the late summer doldrums.

The entire river is fishable!

No longer are you required to spend time rowing in circles. That period has passed. The entire river is open for fishing. And some will argue that it always is. I agree. But we here at Headhunters and the rest of the shops, outfitters, and guides are in the business of fishing. Nad most of our guests like to catch a few. So, in the late summer session it reduces the amount of water that is truly fishable. That is over. The entire run from Holter Dam to Cascade is all fishable.

The weeds are subsiding

No longer are the weeds the talk after the day at the bar. Now we can concentrate on relaying positive reports about flies, reach of river, hopper successes and beyond. While they are not all gone, they are subsiding. The hard banks can collect them as we all know but now you can nymph through them. The weed snap cast is still important though. Snap ’em off. Then cast again.

The weeds will remain in the river throughout the fall but in specific sections they will all be but gone. Swingers are excited about this change. The Two Handed session will start soon, and some have already engaged in that discipline.

Summer is over and the weeds are subsiding!

Trout returning to fall runs

Fish are in the fall nymphing runs. Those inside bends in that 2′-4′ zone over elodea beds are holding fish and will continue to do so until the river freezes.

Hard bank lines will be good too. Yes, find the good looking sexy water and toss your fly into that area.

Inside lanes are gonna be good soon. The fish will return as the water temperatures cool.

Deep in the morning and short int he afternoons for all you nymphing fanatics out there. Start out with the longer rig int he am and move it upwards as the trout follow the bugs to the surface.

October Caddis, Callibaetis, and BWO’s

The 3 big flies for the next couple weeks. The October caddis are out there. Toss the dry fly out there and skitter it. Dead drift it. Drown it. Some good fish have been taken on the Rocktober Caddis this last week. The fish will move not he bigger bug. You gotta try it to believe it.

Callibaetis spinner are out there in force too. If you find a fish moving for a fly it may be the gray toned fall mayfly. Do not go out there without a few of these in your possession. Do it. Try the nymph too. See us int he shop for the greatest selection of Callibaetis patterns on the river.

BWO’s are coming. The big boys do not shoe for another month but the Pseudo’s are out there in the afternoon. Smaller mayfly patterns will get the job done. All the regular stuff. A good way to go after lunch is to shorten it up and run the good looking bank lines and seams. Try it in fishy water that is less and 3′ in depth. Trust it. It will reward you.

Streamer fishing is coming

Those streamer junkies are showing up already. Out of work freestone river guides are heading this way to take advantage of fall fishing. Tossing the big fly in hopes of landing a big brown trout.

Until the sun is obscured you can toss the hopper fly out there and get a few that way. DO not let it end yet. But the weather is thankfully changing this week and some rain along with inclement weather will allow the sink tippers to get after it.

The Two Hander Trout Spey Season is kicking off now. Come by the shop and see our vast selection of Trout Spey gear. More that the rest of the state combined. Honest. If you need lines, rods, tips, suggestions, guide trips, or anything associated with the Two Handed Trout game Headhunters is your Montana HQ.  Some shops have a few items, some shops have a feller that has dabbled, but only one shop has the products, the knowledgable staff, and the guides to help you accelerate your Trout Spey game. Come see Headhunters of Craig to bing you to the next level. 

Headhunters Fly Shop love fall fishing!

Summer is gone. Winter is coming. But in-between those harsh seasons is our favorite fishing session. The fall. Cooler days, cooler nights, playoff baseball, football, goblins, streamer fanatics, Trout Spey, dry fly afternoons, hot toddy’s…what is not to like.

Book a fall fly fishing trip with us here at Headhunters. We have the most in lodging too. Riverfront to budget cabins to rooms without a view and all pricing levels. Rooms start at $110 and go up. Bring your family, bring your spouse, con your fly fishing buddy into a fall trip, or come solo. You will love the fall fishing jam in Craig Montana.

2 thoughts on “Missouri River Monday Fly Fishing Report”

  1. Mark, I appreciate your writing style. I think on the missouri often. Come this winter to the coast and let us see your spey skills on some sea-run missiles. No grab like it.

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