Getting better every day. Really a nice September shaping up here on the Missouri River.
Nymphing is the most popular fishing style but that does not mean it is always the best. Many are blind fishing big hoppers, terrestrials, ants, beetles, sunken caddis, Callebaetis, October Caddis. A long list of possibilities for angling success.
That isĀ what make the Missouri river great. The opportunities. On any given day you can seek out small techy dry fly fish. You could swing a few up in soft runs. Short Leash Nymph the piss out of run and gun boat fishing. Deep Nymph them in the center of the river. Blind dry fly fish. Or streamer fish. You could do that too.
The week ahead makes us smile with the weather gods looking kindly upon us here in Central Montana. With the water temperature falling as the days get shorter and nights get longer we are anticipating greatness …
Nighttime lows into the 40’s. Real nice my fishy friends. Cooler nights, earlier baetis hatch.
Missouri River Fishing Report
A real good bite most every day now. The entire river is fishing. The weeds are not even an issue anymore. The pressure is spreading as the weeks go by in September. Really the best hopper bite of the year int eh last week. Will it continue? Well, we sure would love it to. Trout like Grasshoppers!
Happy clients seen dining at both the Izaak’s of Craig and the Missouri River Inn of Prewitt Creek. The Frenchman continues to roll on and the O in WC is open as well. The Taco cart for Breakfast rounds out you appetite needs for the week.

The shop open daily from 630am til 8pm. Some good sale items lurking around with Demo Rods on sale. The Diablo Kayaks are ready to go, go on top of your SUV for screaming deals.
Come in and Demo a Bamboo fly rod from Sweetgrass Rods in Twin.
You may slow down your heart rate, and really like it.
Guides are out daily and we have availability for the rest of September and October. Get on the horn and finalize your fall trip to the Missouri River. Baetis, Streamer Madness, Hot Toddies, Fellowship, Izaak’s Pulled Pork Sando’s, Sipping trout, solitude…