Missouri River Fishing Report 9.6.13

We are so fortunate to live and work here on the Missouri River with the size and mass of this fine river allows us to stay healthy for much longer than the other rivers around us.

We feel for those who are not as fortunate. Those on the Blackfoot have to deal with a closure now, Monture Creek, The Dearborn, the Smith, the Madison, the Sun River, and the Big Hole. Will have to rest the waters for a period until the water temps come down and the fish are out of danger. We applaud the FWP for such protections.

The Missouri River did have  a closure in the year 2000 from mid August through Mid September. Why has the Missouri River been able to skirt these other river closures?

Volume. We have more water. Yep, size does matter.

Look at the river closure list before taking off this weekend for a Montana Angling Journey. Your river or stream may be affected. The Bitterroot, Clark Fork, and Jefferson are back on the table and fishing. Call your local fly shop for up to the minute water reports. And, always support hose small businesses as they rely on you to keep the doors open, the phone lines open, etc.

Missouri River Fishing Report

Great nymphing as we roll into and become comfortable with September. Will improve as the calendar days go past moving toward October. It is good, and getting better. That is the report that we will repeat for some time. The water temps will cool as the nights become longer.

Check out the temps this weekend! Just right for camping on the river.


As we mentioned in some other nonsense blog the blind dry fishing can get you through the day. Go and try it. You may like it.

Streamer guys. Yes, some participating.


While the weeds have not gone away totally, they are significantly reduced this last week. By a wide margin. I would venture to say, about 75% less now compared to a week or 3 ago. It is pleasant.

There certainly were not the acreage of blooming elodea this year on the Mo. Far less. Lower water early does not let the primary vegetation grow to the surface. It just does not.

Oh, the stringy shit in the water column you ask? It’s the weed that is mostly gone. Yeah, that shit will drive you to drink.

Learn the snap, and you shall survive.

The meek may inherit the earth, but they make shitty nymphers.

The shop hours are 6am til 8pm daily. New fall products coming in daily like cool Zip Tops form Simms, Bamboo shirts from FreeFly, gloves, socks, hats, Buff’s, and fall flies too. Stop by for a chat and a hot cup of coffee.

Restrictions & Closures

 Belmont Creek
Mandatory 24 Hour Drought Closure Starting 09/05/2013
Mandatory Drought Closure – [24 hour]
Entire Belmont Creek (9/4/2013)
 Big Hole River
Hoot Owl Fishing Restriction starting 07/22/2013
Mandatory Drought Closure – 2 PM to Midnight
Upper Big Hole River – Headwaters to Dickey Bridge (7/18/2013)
24 Hour Fishing Closure of entire Lower Big Hole River starting 07/31/13
Mandatory Drought Closure – [24 hour]
Big Hole River – From Notch Bottom FAS to Mouth (7/26/2013)

24 Hour Fishing Closure of Upper Big Hole River starting 08/13/13
Mandatory Drought Closure – [24 hour]
Upper Big Hole, from the headwaters to the mouth of the North Fork Big Hole (approximately 14 miles downstream from the Wisdom Bridge) (8/8/2013)

24 Hour Fishing Closure of Upper Big Hole River starting 08/20/13
Mandatory Drought Closure – [24 hour]
Melrose Bridge to Notch Bottom FAS (8/19/2013)
Blackfoot River Mandatory Drought Closure of entire Blackfoot River starting 09/05/2013
Mandatory Drought Closure – [24 hour]
Entire Blackfoot River (9/4/2013)

 Copper Creek Mandatory 24 Hour Drought Closure Starting 09/05/2013
Mandatory Drought Closure – [24 hour]
Entire Copper Creek (9/4/2013)

Cottonwood Creek Mandatory 24 Hour Drought Closure Starting 09/05/2013
Mandatory Drought Closure – [24 hour]
Entire Cottonwood Creek (9/4/2013)

Dearborn River Hoot Owl Fishing Restriction starting 07/22/2013
Mandatory Drought Closure – 2 PM to Midnight
Dearborn River – From Highway 434 Bridge downstream 41 miles to the confluence with the Missouri River north of Craig, MT. (7/19/2013)

Gold Creek Mandatory 24 Hour Drought Closure Starting 09/05/2013
Mandatory Drought Closure – [24 hour]
Entire Gold Creek (9/4/2013)

Landers Fork Mandatory 24 Hour Drought Closure Starting 09/05/2013
Mandatory Drought Closure – [24 hour]
Entire Landers Fork (9/4/2013)

Madison River Hoot Owl Fishing Restriction starting 07/22/2013
Mandatory Drought Closure – 2 PM to Midnight
Madison River-from Ennis Dam to Mouth (7/18/2013)

Monture Creek Mandatory 24 Hour Drought Closure Starting 09/05/2013
Mandatory Drought Closure – [24 hour]
Entire Monture Creek (9/4/2013)

Morrell Creek Mandatory 24 Hour Drought Closure Starting 09/05/2013
Mandatory Drought Closure – [24 hour]
Entire Morrell Creek (9/4/2013)

North Fork Blackfoot River Mandatory 24 Hour Drought Closure Starting 09/05/2013
Mandatory Drought Closure – [24 hour]
Entire North Fork Blackfoot River (9/4/2013)
Smith River Hoot Owl Fishing Restriction starting 07/22/2013
Mandatory Drought Closure – 2 PM to Midnight
Smith River from Eden Bridge to the confluence of North and South Forks of the Smith River. (7/19/2013)
Sun River Hoot Owl Fishing Restriction starting 07/22/2013
Mandatory Drought Closure – 2 PM to Midnight
Sun River from Mouth of Muddy Creek to Highway 287 (7/19/2013)

Reopened Waterbodies

 Bitterroot River
Hoot Owl Fishing Restrictions Lifted as of 08/30/2013
Closure Lifted
Entire Bitterroot River (8/30/2013)
 Clark Fork River
Clark Fork River Angling Closure Lifted 9/5/13
Closure Lifted
The mouth of the Bitterroot River to the mouth of the Flathead River. (8/29/2013)
Hoot Owl Fishing Restrictions are lifted 9/4/13
Closure Lifted
Perkins Lane Bridge to Flint Creek. (8/28/2013)
 Jefferson River
Jefferson River Fishing Closure Lifted
Closure Lifted
Entire Jefferson River (9/3/2013)