Missouri River Montana Fishing Report | Sept. 3rd

Just the facts today on the Headhunters Fly Shop and Guide Service Fly Fishing Report.

Water Temps: 64F in the mornings, 67F in the afternoons. Cooling nightly.

Water Flows: 2950cfs. Low, yes. Combo of low water and cooler night temps means falling water temps sooner. BWO’s, sooner. Maybe a pipe dream for the author. Always wants to have fall come sooner. Always.

Good Water: All over. More up top, less down low. Some int he middle too. Find your own nirvana and enjoy it.

Bad Water: Skip it.

Tuesday: Day after the holiday. Back to more fishermen, less tubers.

Missouri River Fishing Report

Honest Fishing Skinny: Not too bad on the hopper bite. Seems better than it was. And it was not that terrific. More hoppers on the banks and in the air. Even a few in the river. Morrish is making a comeback. Mongo, More or Less…Moving waters and some in stale soft insides too.

Truthful Nymphing Report: Good. Much fewer weeds in the water column this week. Much cleaner. Why? Oh, who knows. The baetis must be moving around subsurface because the micro PT is on fire. Sows leading the charge as well. Zebra’s never fall from grace.

Tugging the Streamer: Way more folks doing this activity in the last couple weeks. And loving it. If you cannot shake the weed, forget about it. Try something else. If you can, then cast, cast, and retrieve, retrieve.

Pressure: Light, in our eyes. You can get in a bind with boats around you…if so, just move. It is the Missouri. Row for a couple miles and plunk your flies back in the water. Go Time.

Etiquette: If you are polite and pro, the other boats will too. Take it upon yourself to set an example and raise the bar for everyone. Everybody should practice common sense.

Guides: Available for the next couple months.

Lodging: Available as well. Just call us. We’ll take care of you.

Mother Missouri: Looking forward to cooler nights like the rest of us. We all want the same thing. Right?