Middle East Permit Fishing- Video

Among other keyboard projects I’ve had lately, I’ve been trying to catch up on the many video’s I’ve meant to watch this summer but haven’t had the time.

I don’t really have the time now. But I’m makin’ time. Video’s like this are why.

I heard the stories about this trip months ago when it took place. Mike Ward from Adipose Boatworks in Helena, and Canadian Superguide Aaron Caldwell from Fish Tales Fly Shop in Calgary were the source. Mike and Aaron went fly fishing for Permit in the Middle East. Middle East Permit Fishing? Yes, and by the “Middle East”, I mean the kind of place that you just don’t go on vacation.

But these dudes are Permit nuts.

Anyhow, I though you might enjoy this fantastic video while Team Headhunters is enjoying a day off (yes, the shop is closed today). If you’re in Helena, stop by and say hello to Mike, and if you need a guide on the Bow, give Aaron a shout.

You can also check out the rest of Aaron’s videos at his Vimeo site, or at his blog, Chronicles of Cod.

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