Mid August Missouri River Fishing Report


Mid August Missouri River Fishing Report

Headlong into August. All is well.

Today the Headhunters daily blog will update you on all things Missouri River. Just the facts man. No fluff on this Monday.

Water Flows: 4880 cfs. Above average for the time of year. We like it.

Water Temps: 64.5F Lower than average. It will rise and fall the remainder of the month. August is historically cooler than July. And we have just come out of our hottest period of the season with air temps reaching beyond the century mark.

Fishing Report: Good to great. August is not always the top month for anglers, but this year it ranks up there with the best. The dry fly fishing may be the best of the year. Lots of rising trout before noon. Evenings not as consistent.

As we always say as the summer continues to drift by…“It’s as good as you are.” That means that it is not a cake walk out there. You may have to know a few things about the Missouri River to do well. Others hire a guide.

Nymphers are stuffed up top near the dam fishing well to Craig. Dry fly anglers are doing well in the Wolf Creek and Craig reaches. The canyon has been the got for those tossing attractor patterns like ants and hoppers.

The dry fly anglers are mopping up with midge and Trico Cluster patterns. Single Trico patterns for those who like it technical. Double Winged Spinners can bring them to the top. Caddis flies can get the job done as well. Smaller Caddis sized 18 and 20. All things smaller as the fish are not fooled any longer by gaudy larger flies.

Nymphers like scuds, sows, worms, and Pheasant Tails along with several killer fly jigs. Midge pupa , super fish friendly patterns like Two Bits, S & M’s, Little Green Machine and its fashionable cousins, Frenchie’s, Peep Show’s, sunken Trico patterns, sunken Buzzballs…come by for the latest in flies that are hot!

Weeds: Not too bad. The elodea is reaching toward the surface in many places. Not that terrible at times gooey glit that can inundate the river. But there are some floating and sunken stemmy weeds that can haunt the nymphing crowd.

Headhunters open Daily. 6am til 8pm. Guides, flies, lodging, shuttles, SIMMS, demo rod sale (lots), Headhunters famous logo gear, sun gear, and so much more!

Mid August Missouri River Fishing Report

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3 thoughts on “Mid August Missouri River Fishing Report”

  1. Mark, yersterdat I watched one of the funniest encounters I’ve seen for many years! I won’t descibe it in detail because it would take up too much of your blog, but throw some imagination in and it’s a riot. Two young anglers proceeded to where they wished to fish- a spot occupied by a young angus bull. They figured he’d move. Mark, the bull did in fact move- he is moved them quite quickly off the river, across the pass ture over the fence and back to their truck! Waders- becaerful out there! Have a good week, buddy

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