McCune/Gould Spey Sessions Recap

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Another long weekend of Spey Casting instruction with Mike McCune and Whitney Gould is in the books. We held 3 classes this year in what turned out to be absolutely perfect weather. No wind. 3 days in a row. In April. Unheard of.

As usual, all attendees were excited to get some hands-on personal instruction from these two instructor/guides. They are both on the same page, but each brings a few different twists and teaching styles. Nearly every student comments to me how much they appreciate the two different viewpoints.

We hope to be hosting them again next year around the same time. They will be around fishing through the week and you may be able to track them down and say hello or ask a question if you hang out in the evening. During the day they will be out fishing of course. Because they’re fishermen.[/vc_column_text][us_image image=”18588″ align=”center” onclick=”lightbox”][vc_column_text]

Here’s a few shots from the weekend classes. I was in and out during the course of the day(s), and I noticed some pretty dramatic improvement from everyone who attended. Mike commented that the lack of wind made it especially easy to try multiple casts and different angles from both river right and left.

Thanks again to Mike & Whitney for providing the instruction, Julie for lunches and our good friends Bob and Andy Maricich for allowing us to use their property for the venue!

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