Live the Dream & Buy a Riverside Restaurant

Live the Dream and buy this riverside restaurant at Prewitt Creek.

We loved this place, the Missouri River Inn the past couple years.

Originally a road house, supper club, the place in the canyon to be, Bud and Joan Osterman owned this joint for generations. Then a few owner/management groups…and now you!

The folks who were running it have moved on and we are out a cool place to have a plate of Fish and Chips or a Reuben. Cocktails too.

So why don’t you get yourself into this restaurant. You’d, and us, would love it.

There should be plenty of time for fishing…

Go ahead, Live the Dream.

4 thoughts on “Live the Dream & Buy a Riverside Restaurant”

  1. You guys should purchase this. Ninch and Sara could work more hours. You could make a fortune, like all the others before you.

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