Late March Missouri River Fly Fishing Report
Water flows are above 6K coming out of the dam at 6230 currently. Then add a couple hundred at the Prickly Pear, the Dearborn, the Sheep Creep, Wagner, Prewitt, Stickney and you have above average water flows for March.
That spreads the fish out. But, it also does create enough holding water near banks too. SO keep that in mind.
The colder than average water temps make it confusing as well. And the fish on any given day are in fluctuating moods. Kinda like that gal in college you couldn’t figure out…then she dumped you. Thankfully. So we have that going for us. Some days it fishes better than others.
Water Flows: 6230cfs
- Water Temps: 38F
- Dry Flies: Clusters, singles, midges, Adams, CDC Hanging Midge, Buzzballs, Stalcup’s Single Posted Midge, CDC Griffith’s Gnat.
- Nymphs: PINK. Firebead Rays, Firebead Sows, Ninch’s Bubble Yum, Ninch’s Thunder Bug, Tailwater Sows, Amex, Rainbow Czech, Pink LB, Pink Mop, Zebra’s. On the doorstep of BWO nymphs. Think about it. BWO’s coming in 3 weeks. They start moving subsurface before we see them up top. A common mistake of anglers is not thinking about the future. Do it. Capitalize on the obvious.
- Streamers and Swingers: Kreelex, Leeches in black or olive, white, sometimes yellow. And of course chartreuse. There are the colors we like today. Barely Legal Olive/White, Triple Double Rainbow, JJ’s Aprakle Minnow flavor, Goldie double articulated, Sex Dungeon, Mini Bangtail Olive/YEllow, Ice Pick, Tan/Pearl, Fruit Rill-Up.
- Weather: Variable. We like warm overcast calm days.
- Where do I fish? Anywhere. All open, all boat ramps clear, all fishing well. Dearborn came back in and is only putting a bit of color in the water. Fished it yesterday. It’s just fine.
- Spring Special: Cheap guide trips and lodging. Call today as the special runs thru the end of April.
- Headhunters Fly Shop: Open daily @ 8am and open later than the rest.
- What kind of water? Soft insides, plus one or two ticks of speed. On the shelf, at the bottom of the bucket, up top in the bucket, the right bank.
- Winds? Blowing all of 25mph steady right now with real gusty winds aver that nearly unbearable incessant 25.
- You? Planning your trip to the Mo this spring.
- Cheers on this Tuesday!
just dropping a note to say that this is a great site for learning about the Missouri. I will be up there in Sept of this year with 5 other guys for a week of fishing happiness. We will stop in and say hello, likely hire guides for a couple of days. Keep up the good work.
Hey thanks John. Look forward to meeting you. Let us know if we can help in any way!
Thanks Mark. Question.. What is an appropriate tip amount for a full day guided trip?