Kids Fly Tying

Kids Fly Tying and Kids FLy Fishing is important for the future of our sport.

Get your own kid, the neighbor kid, or any youth groups you are involved in excited about the outdoors, or the indoors tying flies.

Take them out on your own or get them involved in a local club or free clinics sponsored by your local fly shop.

Speaking of clinics…Spey Clinic this Saturday @ Headhunters Fly Shop Saturday December 14th 9am. Call to sign up and let us know if you would like us to provide equipment.

  • Free and gentle instruction, a short classroom session and then out on the water casting away.
  • A participation clinic with very little baloney. All guests get on the water for a long period of time with casting, casting instruction at your own speed. A no pressure clinic!
  • You may catch a fish or two. This clinic is not only about how to cast, but how to fish this funky long rod on the Missouri River.
  • Lots of Demo Rods available for your entertainment and learning. Try a few out to find your own 2 handed groove!
  • Call us today with your attendance needs @ 406-235-3447
  • More fun clinic and education coming in January with the 2nd Spey Clinic Saturday January 4th. Call for your clinic reservation.
  • Our famous Wednesday Fly Tying Nights beginning the first Wednesday of January and then every Wednesday into March!
  • Kids Welcome at all of our events all winter long. Remember our free casting lessons everyday all summer long too! Or wait until Summer Saturdays and visit us for our Famous Headhunters Saturday BBQ’s. An event weekly here in downtown Craig.


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