Hi-Vis Trico Spinner 2FER TUESDAY BOGO


Hi-Vis Trico Spinner 2FER TUESDAY BOGO

This weeks Hot Fly from Headhunters of Craig is the ever popular Harrop’s Hi-Vis Trico Spinner. An awesome fly that we are using daily.

Big Trico spinner falls daily at 845am on the Mighty Missouri River. And you should have this fly pattern in your possession. I would. And do. Used it with success today out on the river there.

CDC, Poly, Hackle, Biot’d body…and trout tasty.

Get to the online store and get these in your box today for cheap!

Buy One Get One Free Tuesday only shopping our online store for the Hi-Vis Trico Spinner in sizes 18 and 20.

Enjoy this fly as much as the trout do? Buy lots.


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