Hello October Welcome Missouri River Fishing Report!
Snow on the ground yesterday morning. 65F today. And there you have it. Variable.
The fishing will not be variable this month though. Strong will be the tone for October.
Baetis | BWO’s | Blue Winged Olives
BWO’s coming off daily. The Pseudo explosion happens daily at 2pm-ish. Some days earlier, some days later. Be ready with your BWO Arsenal. Need more? We got ’em.
100’s of BWO patterns to choose from. I counted 113 BWO dry fly patterns to pour over here at your downtown Craig Montana Fly Shop. The fly shop with the most variety of flies in the trip-county area. Honest.
We have been liking parachute patterns with some thing hung off of the back. Or just toss the cripple of choice. Your choice.
Not a terrible idea to get on board with an emerger pattern. The rout like to swarm and swirl around for those insects pushing towards the surface, trying to gain entry into our atmosphere. Lots of CDC for you to choose from.
BWO spinners are a secret here on the Mo. Meaning not many anglers go that route. If you want to present something different or unique to those Missouri River trout. I’d pack a couple along in my box or sure.
How about dangling a techy BWO nymph from the back of that visible fly. A caddis up top is not a bad idea either. Do not head out with out a bunch of CDC caddis in your possession either. The caddis can be the secret on those trout that will not budge for a BWO pattern.
Streamer Anglers Unite

The cast of 1000’s is here tossing the big fly. Dry lines and intermediate sink tips are all you will need. If you like to use your dry fly line or all around fly line you can always add a sink tip. Sink tips for two handed lines and they are of course appropriate for your single handed line as well.
Sinking leaders have come a long way in the past few years. From 7′ Intermediate Leaders to 12′ Extra Fast Sink and everywhere in between. Simply loop it onto your fly line and cast away. A truly innovative method for adding tools to your box.
Stop in to see the selections from the big 3 RIO, SA, and OPST here at Headhunters Fly Shop.
Nymphing is Great!
Short or long you can catch fish with either method. Most are starting off of the day short and getting shorter as the day progresses. As the fish move upwards in the water column.
2′-3′ is common. Go long if you wish in the am. The fish do start on the bottom daily. Split shot it up and go for it.
Scuds, sows, worms, PT’s up top. Small Zebra’s, mayfly nymphs, and the like for your bottom fly.
Headhunters Fall Hours
Daily 7-7 for another week or so. We will probably go to 730-630 in about a week. No need to get out there too early this week or for the next couple months.
Great fishing all month long through Thanksgiving. Book your cabin, your rental boat, or your guide for the upcoming months. Fall fishing is great. Where you gonna be?