Headhunters Fly Shop Open Monday April 27

Headhunters Fly Shop Open Monday

Montana State Governor Steve Bullock spoke at noon today about the opening of Montana

Shelter in Place is lifted Sunday in Montana. The Stay at Home order will be lifted for Montana residents.

14 Day Quarantine for non resident non-business travelers remains in effect. The governor did not set and end date on this part of the directive. That means that if you come to Montana, form out of state, you are required  to Quarantine for 14 days before mingling with the public.

Businesses can open on Monday April 27th. Headhunters will open  Monday morning at 8am. Business hours will be

Fly Shop. The front doors will open Monday morning for the first time in about a month. If you’d like to use the Headhunters Takeaway Window we will welcome you and social distance at the same time. Order up a dozen flies, your fishing license, 2 leaders and a couple bobbers. We will continue to promote the same protocols we did in the beginning.

River Shuttles. Headhunters will be doing shuttles. Clean cars make shuttle drivers happy. And you too man.

Guide Trips. Headhunters will begin guide trips for Montana residents. Out of State visitors following the 14 day Required Quarantine can be guided, after the 14 day quarantine.

Lunches will be provided by Headhunters. You can bring your own lunch if you are more comfortable. Bring your own water bottle please. Guides will still have sodas and such.

Guides coolers will be spotless and sanitized daily. If you would like to bring your own little soft cooler, if that’s how you roll, that’s cool too. Nobody wants several hands in and out of the cooler.

Bring your own rods? Your choice again.

Rental Waders? Maybe it’s time to get your self a travel pair.

Lodging. Craig Trout Camp opens this week. A reminder that out of state travelers are required to Quarantine for 14 days upon arrival if for non-business reasons.

This from the Governor about lodging…

“While we love our visitors, we would ask that you not come visit while Montanans are watching out for one another by staying at home,” said Governor Bullock. “This is important not only to protect our health care system, but also to protect against the spread of COVID-19.”

“As of today, travel from another state or country is the most common known source of COVID-19 infections in Montana. I am asking anyone who is in Montana and has recently traveled from another state or country to do the right thing and self-quarantine for 14 days,” continued Governor Bullock.

The Directive applies both to Montana residents and non-residents entering the state for non-work-related purposes. It requires a self-quarantine for 14 days, or the duration of a non-work trip to Montana—whichever is shorter. The Directive also instructs the Montana Department of Commerce to advise vacation listing and rental sites that they must notify potential out- of-state renters about the quarantine requirement. Health care workers are excluded from the Directive.

Further, the Directive authorizes the Montana National Guard to conduct temperature checks at Montana airports and rail stations and screen for potential exposure history for travelers arriving in Montana from another state or country.

General Business Reopening Guidelines


  • Health assessments must be conducted for all employees at the beginning of each shift.
  • In establishments where customers wait in a line, non-household customers should remain physically distanced.
  • Waiting areas where adequate physical distancing cannot be maintained must be closed.

• Customers should be encouraged to call for a reservation or an appointment, or establishments should use an online wait listing application.

• Physical distancing of 6 feet must be maintained between non-congregate customers, this may require:

    • A reduction in capacity;
    • A reduction of seating in service and waiting areas;
    • Management of waiting areas and waiting lines; or systems that reduce the amount of contact time between customers and staff.

Outdoor Recreation Guidelines


• Public lands, fishing access sites, and parks are encouraged to continue to provide outdoor recreation opportunities for local and regional users provided that users can adhere to strict social distancing guidelines and facilities follow frequent sanitizing protocols. Areas that cannot practicably implement social distancing requirements or sanitation needs will remain closed. Limited campground offerings, group-use facilities and playgrounds, may be opened at the discretion of local and state managers. Local, state and federal officials are strongly encouraged to coordinate on all reopening decisions. Guides and outfitters may offer services consistent with any ongoing quarantine travel restrictions provided they adhere to social distancing guidelines and sanitation protocols. Visitors should check the status of any closures and restrictions before traveling.

And there you have it. The up to date facts about how Montana will re-open the state. Give us call at the shop if you have any questions. Mark and John will be around the shop getting ready for the Monday opening.

We are looking forward to seeing all of you once again! The better we play together, or away from each other during the the near future will dictate when we see the second phase of the re-opening of fly fishing!

Izaak’s is ready to open when the state deems it possible. Not this week, but soon. Looks like we will know in the near future about your next rack of ribs!

Be well. Take care. See you soon.

Link to the Governor Statement 

Key Points from the Governor



8 thoughts on “Headhunters Fly Shop Open Monday April 27”

  1. Mark or John:
    Have you guys checked out a company called fly vines? They take recycled fly lines and make their products. Check em out. By the way, I’m glad you guys can be up and running again shortly.

    • YEs Paul. We are aware. The company was created locally, in MT, here. We were the first fly shop to carry the product, and still do. We are quite familiar with the ownership, distribution, and marketing of the product. Mark shot the first images for the web sites, etc. We have donated boxes full of used fly lines to them in the early years..etc. Thanks for the tip! Give us a call if you’d like to stock up on FlyVines products!

  2. Hey guys, awesome to hear you are reopening soon. I am hoping to come fish possibly next week once y’all are open. I am wondering if the campgrounds along the river are open for camping or if they were never closed etc

  3. Wed.pm.
    What about the bar in town, is it open? Beer at the end of the day,Mark. It’s more important than food .

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