If you want to submit your resumer you better get on it. Closing Resume acceptance Friday. We’d love to hear from you. Submit today. By the way, no more shitty resumes, or cover letters without capitalization of proper names. All names are capitalized. And, Headhunters, is one word. Just like on all of our media, all of it. Include RESUME, in the subject line.
Headhunters Fly Shop in Craig Montana is finishing our annual hiring process. We are looking to fill a couple slots in our shop staff. We need a few hot shots to help us from the spring until the fall. As early as March 15th and as late as Nov 15th. We will fit the appropriate staff in those available slots as we find them. Opportunities for long time employment always exist. If you are some sort of fly shop all-star…we’ll make room for you!
We do not have guide positions open. But if you have to, you can email mark@headhuntersflyshop.com
Fly Shop Employee: Duties include normal fly shop stuff like customer service, selling flies, rods, reels, clothing, waders and the like. Driving shuttles is a big part of your job. A clean driving record is imperative. Yard maintenance, hanging on the porch, and additional crappy fly shop tasks will find you throughout the summer.
A passion for fishing is required. You do not have to be an expert when you apply. Over the course of the summer you will become pretty familiar with the Missouri River and the local surroundings. A fantastic opportunity to learn, to grow, and to become a much better dry fly angler. You can come and find yourself too…just do it after-hours! Include your fishing experience in your resume to give a good idea of your personal fly fishing chi.
We encourage your fishy-ness!
Headhunters is looking for self starters. I know you hear that from all employers, but with us it is true. You gotta be a motivated to do more than wait for instruction. Watch plenty of YouTube vids this winter because there is little time for that in the peak months.

A professional resume is required. Email it to Mark with “Resume” in the Subject Line. Email mark@headhuntersflyshop.com please.
Please read this below! It is important for you to make a good 1st impression. If you would like a job provide a professional resume.
Things that Mark does not like include bad punctuation, bad capitalization, bad grammar, resumes without references, single paragraph resumes…I think you get the drift. Mark throws resumes in the garbage that include no cap’s, single sentence, cell phone derived text style resumes. Just put together a good looking portrait of yourself so that you look good! Or fishy.
Include 3 references with current phone numbers, fly fishing experience, retail experience, etc. Please include when you are available for employment, start and finish dates, special needs, your phone number, your email, and any cool photos of you fishing to get us stoked on you!
If you need to be gone in June or July for more than a couple days…please don’t apply. Those are important months. You need to be in Craig for the peak season.
Pay is better than our fly shop neighbors but not rocket scientist pay either. Somewhere in-between. Bonuses are part of the program in the mid-summer. Gear discounts and valuable fly fishing learning opportunities are the high points of this job! Lodging can be difficult to find but we will do our best to help on that front. Expect at least $500-$600/month for rent and possibly beyond $600/month.
Live and work in Big Sky Country with Disney-like fly fishing opportunities as a side-effect.
Even if you have talked with other fly shops please give us a shout and drop your resume into our email box. Give us a chance. You won’t regret it. Headhunters is who you want to work for this summer.
We love to get the staff in place for the summer before we get to spring. So we take care of the hiring process in the winter. Make sense? Please send us your resume in January. That gives us time to check references and interview. mark@headhuntersflyshop.com
Keep me in mind in about 17 years. I’ll be sending my resume in when I retire. Love the Mo.
You are on the list Dave. We’ll add it to the list of dreamers! You are included! Sal is not included…
hay geyes/ unfurtunitly im unably too ofer me more grate skylls this thyme. OMG, I was so stokedd untl i sawed i kneedid a online profill? Pls dont LOL, i just cant remembr mine paswards; MayB nixt yere I got a profill
Might have to dust off the ol’ resume. Ha!
I love jobs where you just can’t fish too much………….
I would like the job of sitting on the bench outside, drinking beer and lying about the fish I catch. About 12 hours a week and for that job I’m willing to pay you $15.00 an hour.
Yeah…what LT said