What are we doing at Headhunters Fly Shop these days?

Above photo shot after our 2nd season in 2009. The shop has metamorphosed a few times since this shot. Some have asked what we are doing this year?

Many think winter work at fly shops is boring.

Some days it is.

But the rest of the days are filled with chatting with you folks on the phone booking guide trips and lodging. Stocking new fly fishing products on the walls. And staring at the damn computer.

What we are doing at Headhunters Fly Shop this winter?

While many retail and fly fishing shops go static and tread water…Headhunters Fly Shop is moving forward again.

We  never stand still and again this winter we are doing a bit of re-merchandising. As you the fly fishing guest evolves, so do we.

You can expect way more cooler shit when you walk into the store this coming year. And I’m not only speaking of products.

While we have added Abel and Nautilus to our already great reel selection you may see a new piece of retail furniture displaying reels, knives, and other fly fishing gee-gaws.

Ninch has been as busy as any of our crack team at Headhunters procuring new and additional fly patterns. Some fly shops hold onto the crap patterns clogging up their bins and not allowing you a fresh take, a fresh look…like rotting bird carcasses in your neighbors back yard. Toss those smelly flies out man!

Ninch culls all the non-fish pleasing flies and tosses them in the sale bin and replaces them with fisherman, and fish catching flies and patterns that are sure to be a hit in 2014. Yep, that evolve concept again.

We are updating a couple other arenas in the vast Headhunters Fly Shop too. What will they be? Ohh, we will leak it as the time approaches. Springtime.

We don’t stand still often, and this winter is no different from the last 6. We are approaching our 7th Season and we are so pleased to have you folks along.

We are open daily for anything you may need. Lodging, guided fishing, new fly reels, stocking stuffers, gift cards, or shuttles. We got yer back…



2 thoughts on “What are we doing at Headhunters Fly Shop these days?”

  1. Looking forward to next season and the opportunity to refine my gear bag.  Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you, your bride, and all the Headhunters staff.

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