Headhunters Fly Fishing Schools

Headhunters Fly Fishing Schools

Lots of education offered by Headhunters Fly Shop in Craig Montana. The leader in information, education, entertainment, and customer service on the famed banks of the Missouri River.

Coming up this weekend we have our second installment of the Headhunters Fly Shop Advanced Fly Fishing School. The first week was a success and we cannot wait to meet the next group of anglers that are ready to learn, ready to go to the next level on the Missouri River and beyond.

The age range for the first week was form 17 to 69 and all the ages in-between. The coming weekend? Hope to have anglers who are young at heart. And I’m sure we will.

Tom Melvin of Minnesota said


Thank you for holding a great fly fishing school. I learned a whole bunch and was able to put it into action with some wonderful success and good times.

The food was fantastic and the company of good people was very enjoyable.

I hope you continue to offer the school so others can benefit from your expeeince and passion for fly fishing.

Today I fished with Stephen Caldwell and caught my first Missouri River trout on a dry fly. Wow, it was a blast!!!

Tight Lines and many blessings,
Tom Melvin

Thanks so much Tom. Really enjoyed the enthusiasm of Tom this week. He has fished Montana several times before including the Mighty Mo. He is a good angler and wanted to improve his game in all facets of the fly fishing game. He grabbed the opportunity to enable his learning curve. To accelerate the process. That last statement is the key. How to move your learning curve forward.

Education is the key.

Fly fishing is a lifetime sport. It takes many of us years to learn concepts such and the reach cast, reading water, fly selection, etc. The how and why and where of fly fishing are questions that we all have on a daily basis. Why not get on board the Headhunters education bus?

My fishing buddy, Jim, and I just completed the initial Headhunters Fly Shop Fly Fishing School, held October 13-16. The school was as good as advertised. The classes were well presented, highly informative, clear and concise. The lodging is very comfortable and the food superb. Most importantly, each day we had a different guide who each imparted his own interesting perspective of fly fishing, yet all shared a common love of fishing. Our guides Mark, Ben and Steve were patient, helpful, knowledgeable and simply just fun to be with on the river. We caught lots of fish and were rewarded by the beauty of The Mighty Mo. A wonderful experience!

Thanks to all of the first school attendees! Lots of fun. Great conversation, questions, humor, fellowship, and education. All wanted to learn. When you stop learning, you might as well be dead.

We have a full slate of educational opportunities coming this next year. We have the always popular TroutSpey Clinics coming in December. Then more later in the winter as well. Sign up today for our famous Trout Spey Series.

You can always come into the shop and get educated as well. Ninch, Sara, John, Julie, Mark, Braden, Dewey, Shane, and Kelli are always willing to share any and all information that they may have. We are a transparent business, non-pretntious in nature, and excited about this sport all year long. Remember that we are open for business 12 months of the year. Stop by and have coffee and ask away. We are happy to talk about trout!

You want us to put together something special for you family, or your fishing buddies on the learning front? Call us up or stop in and let’s start the conversation. We can build a class for anything that you may want. Try us!

The second HH Adv. Fly Fishing School starts this afternoon. I for one am stoked. Ben, Stephen, Max, and myself look forward to meeting and fishing with the new batch of guests. Fun times for sure.

Enjoy this Thursday dreaming about rising fish, reach casts, and jumping Brown Trout!