Hatch Magazine Missouri River Rowdies

Cool article and photo essay in the latex Hatch Magazine Online about your fly shop in Craig.

Chad Schmukler puts this great mag together with photogs and writers from around America and beyond. High quality photos and content make this a must read this summer…or winter if you are so inclined. Or just busy trying to fool those pesky Trico feeders. Anytime is great time to check out this blog style online fishing mag. Politics, destination pieces, tips, product reviews, and kick ass photo essays from gals like former Headhunters All-Star Jess McGlothlin.

Check out the 50 photos of Craig, it’s characters, and Headhunters Fly Shop.

Cool Chad and Jess. Nice work!

Check out the article here Hatch Magazine Missouri River Rowdies by Jess McGlothlin.

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