Happy Mother’s Day!


Happy Mother’s Day!

To all the Mom’s out there we salute you.

This is a New Breed Chicks Rule Mother’s Post today on the Headhunters Blog where we love all women fly fishers!

You are the glue that holds many families together. You are mastermind of the day, the night, the breakfast and the dinner. And also the middle parts too.

You generally handle the budget, the laundry, the food, the discipline…what do the men do?Going to work all day long is the easy part for sure.

We love the support that you gave us. The scraped knee, the broken arm, the not so good report card. All of that stuff.

Mother’s are always mothers. For life. We should thank them daily. Respect them. Adore them.

Here’s to all of you out there, the Mother’s.

Thanks. We are all here because of sacrifices you made throughout your life.

Happy Mother’s Day from all of us here at Headhunters in Craig Montana.


Betsy with this nice Rainbow last week on the Mo! Her second trip to the Missouri River. They brought some friends out this time too. And another Mom included. Betsy, and Mom’s Rule. New Breed Chicks Rule![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][us_grid columns=”3″ orderby=”title” order=”” ids=”17665, 17737, 15440″ post_type=”ids” no_items_message=”” items_layout=”shop_trendy” items_gap=””][/vc_column][/vc_row]