Guiding 101

Always remember your clients name.

Here is a tip from my first endorsing outfitter Steve Butt. You may remember Steve as the fellow who had Parrothead Fly Shop in our very location in the early 90’s.

Steve passed on to me shortly after I got my first guide license the most important tip of all time.

Guiding 101

Don’t forget the name of your guest.


“What I do is write the name of the guest on my hand with an arrow pointing forward for the guest in the bow, and an arrow pointing backwards for the guest in the stern.”

-Steve Butt Parrothead Fly Shop Craig, Montana


A simple yet effective plan.

Use it for continued guide success.

Trust me. I’m still a guide.


Check out this HH Blog from 2009 I found while searching for Parrothead Fly Shop stuff. Old School for sure dude.

2 thoughts on “Guiding 101”

  1. How small do you have to write if the guests’ name is Gnossus Pappadopolis?
    Bonus points for the name reference 😉

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