Friday Foto and River News

Friday Foto and River News

Not quite sure what to make of this yet. After you think you have seen it all the Knotted Nymph pops up. Rumors for the last week and now it seems…

Down river at the Doll House for those of you who are in the know. The Knotted Nymph is serving it up. Check out their FB page for more info.

As the weekend shapes up we have some light rain and good fishing. Lots of folks in town for the 10th Annual Craig Caddis Festival and BBQ Cook-Off.

On the Headhunters lot we are fortunate to have Montana Fly Company with ribs on the BBQ, Sage Fly Rods with Tri Tip, No word yet from SIMMS on what their fare will be but it is always good, and Headhunters with their Chicken Thighs! Good times. Also TroutNV will be set up and selling some fabulous Laser Logo’s products, hats and T’s and much more!

Festivities start at 4pm and heads into the sunset, no rain please, with the Up in the Air Band playing into the evening. Live Auction at 730. The BBQ’s end at 7 so stick around for some fantastic live auction items like Guide Trips to and fro in Montana and some killer original art from Hannuh Uhde.

Fishing? Good man. May is a good time on the Missouri River…

Stop in and chat this evening with the boys from Sage. On top of Headhunters burgeoning demo rod selection Zack and Russ will be on hand to add to the arsenal. Try out one of their demo rods for the day. And, why not take home a new Sage for your wife, or yourself. If you want to raise your personal technique bar see us on the HH porch Sunday at 11:15 am and head to the river with us for a dry fly and streamer demonstration. A couple hours for improvement. Join us!

See you tomorrow eating it all up in Craiglandia!

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