4 thoughts on “Friday Foto No Snow Please!”

  1. Big snow fly hatch yesterday. So thick my rain gear was soaked with them. They are cold little buggers when they hit your hands. They clogged up the mr buddy heater also, but a determined guide got it going, thanks josh. Hatched all day, didnt stop till the boat hit the trailer, how lucky is that? I dont think I’ll make it back this spring, so you missed it till next spring. I’ll let everyone know when I’ll be here, so they don’t miss the next one. Oh, I will be here for the skunked bug hatch later in the summer. I’ll keep you posted, don’t want to miss that for sure

  2. 30+ years of Missouri River journals tell me that on April 13th, 80% of years there are BWOs up in the vicinity of Pelican Point on this date… I’m staying home like a girlie-man, but someone check it out, would you?

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