Friday Foto Night Vision

Friday Foto Night Vision

Good times last night on the ‘ol Missouri River.

It’s good in that evening slot. Night vision is worth it! But, bring Mosquito repellant!

Skittering caddis was my game. The Weilenman’s CDC and Elk seemed to do the trick. Threw a Spruce Moth for a while with success too. A Translucent Pupa or emerger? Yep, good too.

Lots of PED’s out there making it difficult. Just because there are 10 Bazillion of the hatch du jour does not mean you have to toss that. If they were eating the most prevalent insect out there wouldn’t there be be surface activity? Yes. Indeed.

See us for the bug dope, the best in Missouri River flies, the straight dope on what is happening, free coffee, SIMMS sun wear and tons of Buff’s and sungloves,. How about some male jewelry and a new fly reel. Don’t forget to get a new dry fly line this year. Important. It is the vehicle that delivers the fly to the target. New fly lines rule.

We are headlong into the month of July. Fun times here on the MO. Not too much pressure. Should be some though this weekend with the splash and giggle crew headed out in force about 10am tomorrow. Izaak’s open for dinner so swing out and enjoy the weekend.

Why not knock off early today…it’s the weekend!

Headhunters ope early at 6am and late til 9pm. Your only full service full time fly shop in the tri-county area!


5 thoughts on “Friday Foto Night Vision”

    • A spruce fly. A caddis fly. The next fish that is eating on the surface. Any other fish. That is my professional opinion.

      An RS2 might work. A trapped dun may work. Those fish drive folks insane. I stopped fishing for them 10+ years ago. But, that’s just me. You can fish for them…have at ‘er. And, good luck my friend.

  1. Thanks for the tip. They have been driving me crazy the last couple nights. Great blog by the way. Follow it daily!

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