Friday Foto Near Spring Edition

Friday Foto Near Spring Edition

Nearing spring but ‘ol man winter still has a seat at the table.

Lots of anglers over here for the weekend nymphing, swinging, and searching for some rising midge trout.

It is all out there for the taking. All you gotta do is come on over.

Spring Special pricing starts this Thursday with Guide Trips @ $400. $150 off retail. Lodging too is discounted all over the area. You gotta call the shop for additional info.

Happy Weekend!

The snow will go away at some point this spring.

1 thought on “Friday Foto Near Spring Edition”

  1. Had to get that last snow out of the way, river does look fishy though. Less than 30 days till my spring fling starts at headhunters, whoop goo. Thanks for the “reminder” pic, gotta start getting ready.

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