Friday Foto June 28th Missouri River Fishing Report

Friday Foto June 28th Missouri River Fishing Report

Great dry fly fishing this past week. Will continue for the foreseeable future. It’s damn good.

Hot PMD stages include the proverbial Cripple, Emerger, & Spinner. Have witnessed some dun eaters, and even had some minor success with the dun. But not a staple like the other three. Come by HH for the more cripple patterns than you can believe! The PMD selection like no other!

Nymphing pretty good. PMD stuff. Sow bugs. Worms during the afternoon thunderstorms. Short leashing in eddies and beyond is very good. Afternoon delight.

Bring raingear. Rained real hard Thursday afternoon. Hail too.

Bring your “A” game. It is on. Young Bull, Old Bull analogy. Know it. Believe it.  Execute it.

There is some pressure out there. If you don’t like boats, pull over and wait them out. Always a good plan.

Yellow Sally’s showing in the canyon.

710 Ashbury July 6th Izaak's Log Jam

Brown Drakes forecast for the next couple weeks in the lower reaches. Come in Headhunters for all of your Brown Drake fly needs. We carry several Brown Drake patterns for the Missouri River.

Trico’s in a week or two. Probably in the second week of July. That is our latest guess.

Water flows dropping today to approx. 4350cfs. That is what the DNRC states. Water temps near 60F.

The bugs and the fish are happy. The anglers are happy.

Open daily 630-9pm. Late shuttles, raingear by SIMMS and some that don’t work as well on sale, the coolest HH Logo Gear, hats, stickers, T’s, Montana’s largest fly line selection, fun friendly fly shop gang, free coffee, the only fly shop WiFi and cell coverage in Craig, and more at your favorite fly shop!