Friday Foto and Missouri River Fishing Report May 29th 2020

Friday Foto and Missouri River Fishing Report May 29th 2020

It’s almost summer! June 21st will usher the sunshine in full time! But the days get longer until the solstice and then turn the other direction. Evening fishing is fun and the sunny afternoons drift into calm caddis filled nights.

Can’t wait.

Until then the fishing has been good enough. The nymphing has been the strongest suit. Sows, scuds, worms, caddis pupa, mayfly nymphs. All good man.

Fish in faster water 3′-6′ well off the shore. No need to find the soggy stuff anymore as the water temps have made our trout very happy. Reaching the summit of 54F today. Higher this weekend? Will it touch 55F?

Deeper and faster. Bankside anglers rejoice. Remember that most fish the left bank. Just sayin.’

PMD’s are right around the corner. I have not seen one, but an unnamed staffer said he saw 6 Wednesday evening. Nevertheless we are very close.

And maybe that will get the trout looking upwards again.

  • March Browns? Done.
  • Mother Day Caddis? Kinda over.
  • Midges? Gone-zo.
  • BWO’s? See you in the fall.

Therefore we need the PMD to make an appearance. More caddis on the way as well. They will reinforce the PMD action as summer kicks off shortly.

The entire river is fishable again. The Dearborn hovering around 900cfs. Clear-is. Fishable. Not muddy.

Streamer fishing? Hit and miss. White, flashy, chartreuse are the hottest colors. Ohh, Olive Sculpins as well.

Swinging? There are those who love to swing up a trout or 10 on th PMD soft hackle. I know I do. Single and two handed anglers are into this game. Look up Headhunters for the right gear and flies if you want to check this box in June. Why not get a swing guide trip with Mike M or Whitney G or any one of our crack swing guide staff.


Call Julie to book it at the shop this weekend. OR at 406-868-5473

Guide Trips? We got ’em. The best tenured guide staff on the Missouri River. Call 406-235-3447 to book your trip today.

June 1st the state lifts the 14 Day Mandatory Quarantine. Want to travel into the state from Idaho? California? The East Coast? Well you can starting Monday.

Gonna be busy this weekend. Look us for shuttles for the Mo and the Dearborn. The Best Flies Under the Big Sky. All the hot flies for you and your friends! Buff’s and face masks. Are fly for anyone customer wearing a mask inside the store.

Feel free to use the TakeAway Window on the west side of the store for shuttles, licenses, a few flies and bobbers, dry flies and the like!

Open Friday 7-7. Saturday 7-7. Sunday 7-6. Stop in for a visit. Izaak’s open daily at 3pm!

See you in Craig this weekend!


4 thoughts on “Friday Foto and Missouri River Fishing Report May 29th 2020”

  1. I dont know who’s kidding who, but been fishing the beaverhead since a couple days after opening on and off, may 16, and the camp grounds were full of out of staters, idaho, utah etc… and I guarantee they didnt self quarantine 14 days. Contacted FWP to do their job but nothing done. Here comes a second wave.

  2. Hmm- “guaranteed” people’s guilt or innocence? Did you by any chance walk over and ask any of them? Stay on patrol out there Dog, I feel safer already…

  3. As a matter of fact I did talk to 1 group of 6 on the river who said they had been camped there for 10 days already, driving up from idaho. Guess that means they were self quarantining on the river,, wise acres. Just saying the respect for others is lacking especially from supposed sportsman like yourself

    • Am I at fault for anglers on the Beaverhead not quarantining? The lack of respect from a supposed sportsman like myself, located just a few hours away from the Beaverhead? You must believe that my influence reaches far beyond my own backyard. I can tell you it really does not influence anybody here either. But appreciate your concern Dog. We are doing our best here in Craig. Which is by the way, hours from the Beaverhead. Just saying our respect for others is strong, and our practices confirm it Dog.

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