Friday Foto

Friday Foto

A few years back this scene with the Lasek Family. Colin and Kelley getting it done in June.

Been fishing with Kelly for a number of years.

Introduce your kids to fishing this year. Do it.

A great way to get outside and learn with your kids, or neighbor kids, or general family members.

This trip we spent with 3 generations of the Lasek clan. Grandfather, father and son. Just awesome.

Friday here in Craig Montana. Get on board with your Gift Card worth 110%.


1 thought on “Friday Foto”

  1. HEY ! Just wanted to mention a Possible oversight on HH’s webpage > Facebook? Instagram? Vimeo? (Youtube?) . . . IF it were not for April 7th POST, in which at the bottom, you put LINKS (in words) to these I;d still to this day have no idea they existed . Yea now I know your all having a Good Laugh at that thought, but not all of us are “computer / social media “savvy,” savvy?
    Just thought you might consider putting THEIR logo’s/access to at the TOP of Your Homepage ! ! ! by the way, once I “found” your Instagram, I enjoyed the 3 minute video you did . . .

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