Friday Fishing Report The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
The flies above…
The Good is the Tailwater Sowbug. Decent looking, not offensive. Highly effective. And we have tons of them, along with several derivations that are also good. A must have for all Mo River Anglers. MUST HAVE!
The Bad is the Firebead Caviar Scud/Sow. Somewhat awful, and pretty offensive. Also very effective. Got to have. a few of these in your box until mid June. Again, lots of variations available at your fly source in Craig Montana, Headhunters.
The Ugly. That Pink Squirmy Wormy. An ugly one for sure. But it does wiggle in the water. Which worms do, sometimes. Available in may colors at HH.
You should have all three fo those in your box this weekend and the weeks ahead. The water has fallen and now we can see the bottom of the river. That is a blessing. Stop in before you head out and pick up the right flies for the weekend.

The fishing has turned. Great reports from across the river. Up top, good. Down low, not as good, But there is BWO flies popping from the surface and some fish rising. That too is good news.
The nymphing is strong. Tailwater Sows, Firebeads, Ray Charles, any of the killer sow alternatives in the shop, BWO flies like S & M, Little Green Machine, Tungsten PT, Radiation Baetis, Two Bit Hooker and more. Worms. Midges. Zebra’s. Rubber Legs.
Keep in mind this month we will see more flies not eh menu for those trout out there. March Browns coming, Mothers Day Caddis, more Skwalas, PMD’s maybe late in the month, and the BWO’s should keep us entertained for about 4-6 weeks.
Rig 6′-7′ to a B or a BB ad let it ride. The fish are still stuffed inside on the soft side of the river. But some fish are moving upwards int he runs and laying in thinner water with some pace. Stay in the game though. Don’t go crazy ad fish the summer type of water. You can, but you are limiting yourself to a very small population of trout. Put the fly where the most trout are. If you are so inclined.
Come by and check out not only our great sticker selection, but check out the new HH Logo T’s, SIMMS gear, and a huge bobber selection.
The water flows are coming down. They pulled the water below Holter Dam to 10,100 cfs Thursday. Inflows at Toston have dropped below 8Kcfs. Refreshing. When will the water come down to seasonal averages? Boy, we don’t know. But will keep you informed here on this site, the only daily updated information on the entire river, tri-county region, and beyond. Do they only want your dollar, only when you head into their shop, and when you leave? Hmmm. Or entertaining. Or educating. I guess the rest are not into informing you folks….but I think they are open? Hard to tell sometimes.
We here at HH are into both. Selling and entertaining, informing, and the like.
The bottom graph is Toston. Dropping flows. Will we see the same on the upper graph soon? We hope so.
Fish will rise in this flow. Although it is better at 8K and below. BWO’s are the focus for a while. More on that soon. Not epic hatches yet, but they are coming off daily in some manner. Make sure to put some March Brown patterns in your box for when you see them popping. The fish love a big parachute MB. Try dangling a March Brown Soft Hackle from the bend of that para-hook. Do it. Report back with the results. We’d love to put you mug on, in, or near this blog!
Any cool media you come with on the river and beyond you can always send to We love fish pics, women, children, HH stickers placed in cool spots…you know, the cool stuff.
Streamer fishing up and down. We’ve seen a couple pics of big browns coming from the streamer. A bundle on the nymph too. Flashy, olive, white, or yellow are the latest hot color ways we are hearing about.
See us for that new streamer line you have been wanting. We have the best from Scientific Anglers, RIO, Wulff, Orvis, and OPST.
Open all weekend long, per usual 8-7. Free coffee, shuttles, info, river maps, rental boats, guides, the best in river flies, SIMMS, shades, Headhunters logo T’s, Buff’s, swivels, split shot, bobbers from every corner on earth, and the funnest fly shop staff on the river!