Foamies and Chubbies!

We got your foamie and chubby obsession dialed.

You need a fix? We got your back.

Need a big floaty fly for the Yellowstone? For the Blackfoot? For any place you are heading?

We got it. Stuffed bins of all synthetic flies…some don’t go that route but that is a personal choice.

I choose the one that floats the best.

A perfect dropper holder for those needing to attach a bead below.

A foamie on the Mo? Well you sure could.

Some suggest chopping off some of the poly hair to make it a lower rider. A good idea for a river that likes flies in the film.

Stock up today for any freestone mission you are headed on and may as well have a few of the baby foams for you Mo River box.

Happy times out there. A marked drop in boats as we ready ourselves for August. Don’t like crowds? August is a good month for  fewer folks not he river here as historically the freestones in the state are on fire. This year? Some restrictions may keep you away from them. Or not? Some of the restrictions scare some folks away. Check it out and go where they aren’t!

This coming week a blog about the hoppers and how to them too.