Flies… To Go!

And of today, the front door at Headhunters will be locked and we are asking customers to use the “takeaway” window on the Side of the building, AKA the “beer drinking porch”. Trying our best to help everyone keep their distance, and to protect our staff as much as possible.

You can order online, call ahead or order at the window. If you only need a shuttle please call it in. Flies, bobbers, split shot, stickers, hats, etc… all pretty easy at the takeaway window.

Rental boat are a no-go, we just don’t have the staff. If you can tow it yourself, we can discuss. Stay clean and be respectful. Thanks.

5 thoughts on “Flies… To Go!”

  1. I would like a cheeseburger and fries with my flies. And a Thin Mint for dessert.

    Stay safe and sane. You will have to fish without me for a while. But I will be back.

  2. I think you should put Ben Hardy in short/shorts on roller/ice skates and have him skate orders right to the car. You have the perfect spot for a drive thru.

    Have Matuka Monday, Terrestrial Tuesday, etc.

  3. I just wanted to give you guys a shout out for doing your part to make the best out of this situation, and keepng yourselves, your employees, and the community safe.

    Tight lines and good health everyone.

  4. Just came across a funny short (1 1/2 minute) video put out “In Support of Small Businesses,” during the Covid-19 “keep Your Distance Shopping style” – by ashlandflyshop.com
    (Ashland, Oregon), You need to check it out – upper left corner of their homepage -click the Video icon takes you to all the videos – it’s the latest one. I’d download it but I’m “an idiot” when it comes to that stuff, sorry. This Video could definitely add some SPICE to doing business at Head Hunters during these trying times . . . ha ! enjoy and feel free to repost it, I’m sure they won’t mind.

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