Fishing & Weekend Operations

Headhunters is still open, and we’re getting a number of calls asking if we will be open this weekend. Answer: Yes, we will and are. We’re really here as a service provider at this point. Shuttles, lodging, guide trips and those little but important things like flies, tippet, inda-mabobbers, flopatant, etc.

Nice weather and the recent closure of many area ski hills lead us to believe we will be relatively busy this weekend. And the fishing is really good right now (more on that below). If you do plan on coming to Headhunters/the Missouri rive this weekend, here’s a few recommendations we have for visitors. It goes without saying, if you feel symptomatic at all, please do not come in the shop.

The Shop

Please be considerate of others and practice social distancing, and as Sara says, “Look with your eyes, not with your hands”. We have hand-sanitizer for your to use (you will) and nitrile gloves as well (if you want). If the shop has people in it, please wait outside so we can avoid large gatherings. We will be encourage people to get in and out as quickly as possible. Get your shuttle, flies, etc. and go have a great day on the river. AND, we will have the “Takeaway Window” open tomorrow (the window behind the register on the side porch) so you can walk up if you’re more comfortable with that. If you just need a shuttle, please call it in and pay with a CC#. If 3 of you are fishing and only need a shuttle, there is no need for all of you to come in the shop. And please be prepared to pay with CC# if at all possible.

Fishing Licenses

Please get your fishing license on-line if you have a computer or mobile device available. Montana has just implemented a new system, and we have heard some folks have had difficulty getting it to work from home. So if you need to get it at the shop we have them. The new system is headed towards on-line only licensing, so you might as well change your habits now.


Yes, we will be doing shuttles all day long. We’re a little short staffed so don’t expect any “early out” shuttles. Please keep you car as clean as possible. Our shuttle drivers will be wiping your door handle and steering wheel with disinfectant wipes, and likely driving with the window down. If you don’t like that, bring a different car.


Our lodging options are still open as well if you don’t want to huddle by the campfire all. night. Call Julie at 406-868-5473 to make any bookings.

Guided Trips

We have been running trips this week and are for as long as conditions and regulations allow. Guides will meet you wherever you want, and won’t be encouraging you to come in the shop unless you want/need to. Fishing is great, and we are running our Spring Special as well.

Fishing Report

Fishing is really good now. Nymphing, swinging on foot and stripping from then boat are all very productive methods right now. We haven’t seen many heads up yet, but the midges are here. If the weather does the right thing, I would expect tom find some rising fish, at least in. the late afternoon. The usual stuff applies: all the pink nymphs and scuds, sowbugs, zebras, etc. Swingers are using leeches and some of the larger guady streamer patterns. Stripping form the boat involves mainly the fun stuff… Dungeons, Stinger Sculpins, Montana Intruder and those bright colors you can see. I’d at least bring a sink tip line, if n to just go right tom it. I think a guy or gal could catch a fish on a Skwala this weekend. The fish health is as good as I have seen it in several years. Expect some hawgs.

Do The Right Thing

Again, please be considerate of others in and around the shop, regardless of your personal opinion on COVID-19 and measures being taken to mitigate it. The person next to you at the fly bins may have underlying health issues. And no, we aren’t here to listen to your opinions on weather COVID-19 poses a threat or not. If your plan is to come into the shop and tell us that COVID-19 is a hoax, mock us and others for taking measures to prevent the spread, or purposely disregard social distancing practices, head elsewhere* We are here to provide you with the services that will help you enjoy some time outdoors with your rod bent. Lets all have a fun  weekend doing what we love.

*A friend of our took my original wording to mean that we were not taking COVID-19 seriously, and nothing could be further from the truth. I have edited my subtle sentence to reflect how I actually feel. -JA