Feeling like fall.

Feeling like fall.

Finally felt like fall the past couple days. And evidenced Sunday with our first bonafide BWO hatch.

And yes, fish were eating them from the surface.

Sort of. In some places.

But the consistency issue seems to be resolved for the time being with morning and afternoon fishing working its way towards the fall like consistency we are accustomed to here in central Montana.

Flows 3390cfs. Water temps 56.5F. Weeds certainly tolerable. Not bad at all.

Nymphs? Weight flies, Caddis Pupa in brown or purple, tungsten mayflies in 12-20, midge pupa, and tons of scuds and sows.

The BWO is here and you can fish the nymph in som many varietal patterns. Small, slender, and mayfly lookin’ will get the fish to look.

Headhunters Fly Shop has the Best Flies Under the Big Sky w/ well stocked bins to scratch your Mo River itch!

Short all day long for some. 2′-3′ to the Indi. Pinch Ons at the shop from Palsa and now the hot new trend here locally with wool inis’s in the shop. Stop in and say hello to us and get a demo. Not your ordinary wool bobber product.

Long in the am for others. A B split shot at 4′-5′. Long all day long for some.

The streamer bite as of yesterday has improved as well. Lots of good stories yesterday evening on the HH Porch. The wind chop gives you some cover and the fish seem to enjoy the blockage from above. Hard banks have been producing well.

Swingers? Yessir. Out there swinging. With the BWO emergence yesterday we are even more stoked to swing daily. More and more on the Trout Spey end as we move through the fall. Most of the shop staff is out there swinging.

Stop in and see our new Swing Fly Area in the fly bins.

Feeling good in Craig today. Beyond the wind. Feels like the fall has arrived. It came in on the back of the wind! Cooler air temps. Water temps falling. BWO’s hatching. Fewer boats on the water. Open parking lots. Shorter days. Playoff Baseball. All good man.

Enjoy your Monday.



2 thoughts on “Feeling like fall.”

  1. Hey Mark, always appreciate your diligence in putting out a blog almost daily, and your info and humor. However…… I have been here 12 days (including yesterday), still am. Wading above Craig. Haven’t seen a BWO. None. Nada. Nyet. No Bueno. Not One. Almost got taken out Sunday by a weed mat the size of a Volkswagen. Wind around 50mph this AM. Small dog and toupee warnings posted. Not bad at all? Seriously?

  2. Tougher to see the bwos in windy conditions – might be tight to the banks if at all – gotta look close. Run the nymph or streamer and use the wind to your advantage. Or work those small (16) olive or grey SH’s on the seams and hold on – just don’t straight line on the swing – these hot fall fish can and will bend hooks if you give it too much heat! Live strong and enjoy the great Missouri!

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