F3T Opens in Helena!

The first F3T show of the year is this week in Helena, MT. That’s right. Helena. Montana. If you’re in the region you can be the first to view this years selections from the group of video aficionados at The Fly Fishing Film Tour. Local homeboys Adipose Boatworks – also from Helena – are sponsors of this years tour. If you live in Helena, or Montana for that matter, there is no way you can find something better to do with your Tuesday night. So throw some beers in your socks and head on down to the Grandstreet Theater.

Hit play to see a trailer for The Kinnetic Loop, one of the featured flicks at F3T from Simon Perkins, sorta Craig local…


2 thoughts on “F3T Opens in Helena!”

  1. Hi all,
              Did my best to try and get some fishin’ time on the mighty Mo when I was in Alberta over the Xmas period,
    but I guess it wasn’t meant to be 🙁
    Will be at the F3T in Calgary next week for sure as I can’t wait to see it before heading back home to Australia.

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